People in NYC probably already know of this astonishing resource but in case you don't, or are just visiting, you should.
1 min read
People in NYC probably already know of this astonishing resource but in case you don't, or are just visiting, you should.
Alas, the link to the "really powerful tools" for automation goes nowhere. Or rather, it returns me to the page it is on. @justinmduke
So good to be back home after a week away. I mean, I had a great time and all, but home is best.
Friends of the Fountain Pen: How do you cope with bottles of ink that are wide and shallow? Is a syringe the only option for making use of the remaining ink when the pen filler simply won't work?
I have never, for one second, regretted the money I spent on my chair more than 20 years ago. Not even when I had to have two technicians here to replace the seat. And now that the gas spring is leaking a bit, I might have to have them back. Truly, what's the point of a decent keyboard if you tie yourself in knots using it all day?
Waiting to hear Lawrence Lessing talk about the EU proposals and other stuff. A tick for the life list.
Still trying to work out why a photo that includes a hashtag (from Instagram) fails to show as a photo on, while a photo without any hashtags shows up just fine.
Anyone have a clue?
1 min read
There is order in the universe. I know, because on the very day that I finally knuckled down and wrote a pathetic little spreadsheet to do some bread calculations for me, the Gods of Serendipity put
in one of my RSS feeds, and my gob is smacked. Now to listen to Chavez Ravine again.
TIL: beets and bougainvillea are a lot more closely related than I ever imagined.
Sorry about cluttering the timeline. Error diagnosed, normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.
"a podcast inspired by an Instagram account, covering the dating lives, drunken escapades, and makeup lines of superstar digital citizens"
Er, no. I don't think so.
Note to future self: to clean up single-use tags in Pinboard, go to “manage” under tags and then “used once”.
And good luck with keeping up.
1 min read
“Amazingly, the link still works”
Two amazing things
1) In a piece looking back over 1000 of his linkblog posts, Charles Arthur finds it remarkable that a link from 2010 still works.
2) The piece seems to be on Medium and nowhere else.
I reckon the two observatiuons are linked (haha). Which makes me wonder whether to even share this
. Will it still work in 2028? Or would be better of owning his stuff somewhere else?I'm still getting spam through public comments. I divert the notifications to a special mailbox and keep on top of them, deleting anything I find, and, touch wood, it may be declining.
<Smacks forehead>
I'm instantly adding the -day-of-week code outlined here into my one-line-per-day journal of sorts.
Intersecting milk cartons is indeed cool, as Chris noted. Equally cool, maybe more so, is the Miuri fold, which I learned about in the Christmas Economist.
1 min read
Once again, there is chatter about how @Withknown deals with hashtags and HTML I still believe that it often removes a hashtag from the content of an Instagram description, sent here by OwnYourGram. I'll test that in a moment. And there certainly were problems with certain characters in Titles and body. So this is a test of this <- and that.
1 min read
Learn something new every day. I can use email to post to this site with Quill. Never needed it before, but good to know.
Dear reporters seeking to impress me,
“Exponentially” does not mean “very large”.
Yours etc.
Chris, I don't know what got you into all this strong names stuff, but I want to take the opportunity to point to my own pet peeve and a fine band, together at
I stopped sharing photo posts to because they were being duplicated. Pretty sure now that's because the RSS contains the image twice, as part of the CDATA and again as an enclosure. Not sure whether to fix in @WithKnown or ask @help at to ignore enclosure.
Quite by coincidence, I'm sure I just yesterday listened to Malcolm Gladwell and Dave Hill talking about Lords of Chaos and the black metal scene.
Absolutely we need more and better tools, but the basics are definitely there for the major CMSs and even more so for people who are comfortable developing their own sites.
Just wondering why @adactio's sparklines contain only 131 points on the x-axis. Maybe because a day on which nothing is posted is not recorded? Getting ready to publish my own first sparkline and want to do the right thing.
Chris Aldrich's clever solution for not drawing attention to visible but "hidden" links doesn't quite work as advertised, at least not for me in Firefox on OSX.
This post opened a whole can of worms relating to Grav's public comments plugin. Despite being authored by "Team Grav" it hasn't been touched for going on two years and just doesn't work. It sends the notification email correctly, but does not acknowledge the comment and does not save the data.
I've taken a first look at the code, and it seems like I might just be able to wrap my head around it, but I will need hours free to do that. Hours that I do not currently have.
I could disable public comments again, and just accept Webmentions (which this post is intended to test). But although Comments are rare, some are worthwhile beyond mere affirmation, so I am loathe to do that.
P.s. It also raises again the need to fix Known's HTML-escaping problem, and makes me wonder why the comment is truncated when it gets to -- which means looking at the templates there in more detail.
A feed reader that offers control over deletion of old posts is good, I agree. A combination of age of post and number of posts per poster would be great. Like "delete all except the previous five posts per feed". Wouldn't work in MB, of course ...
Because it is an inescapable law of journalism that a simple yes/no question in a headline almost always requires a "No". And in this particular case, I do not believe blogging waned in 2018. QED.
Not a crazy idea at all. And it reminds me that I failed to link to a very impressive presentation by the very impressive David Runciman. He would give 6-year olds the vote.
1 min read
Podnews has a piece that many podcasters could usefully read. The bit that resonated was this quote from Roman Mars:
If you have 100,000 listeners and you edit out one useless minute you are saving 100,000 wasted minutes in the world. You’re practically a hero.
Not quite a hero, I can at least count myself a mini-hero.
1 min read
Spammers say the sweetest things:
Jeremy cherfas is the well known writer of this century. He is famous for the suppleness that are still like by many of the people. We should also read the blogs about him to gain knowledge for our own self.
1 min read
New podcast episode out now, tasting the delights of Nürnberger lebkuchen, at
@cn Re: OwnYourGram I'm all set up for watching logs in real time now, but not seeing a way to either resend or nudge OwnYourGram. Can you tell me what I’m looking for?
Updated to latest HEAD of WithKnown and hoping that might solve the multiple-photo problem. Better create a multiple photo post on Instagram, then.
Tiny bit peeved that for the first time this morning refused to record my activity. Coincidentally, or not, a popup informed me that my Pro subscription would end soonish. I confess I didn't hear the start countdown beeps, so I should have checked.