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Jeremy Cherfas

I do fear that "episode" is going the way of "blog post," a battle long since lost.

Jeremy Cherfas

When it comes to mushrooms, always best to be absolutely sure they are edible rather than fairly sure they aren't. But you did miss a treat.

Jeremy Cherfas

Just confirmed that my little script for posting podcasts I've listened to from Overcast to WithKnown fails when there is more than one episode of the same show in the queue. Pinning that down is going to be ... tricky.

Jeremy Cherfas

It will be interesting to see how tonz develops this idea of an automated personal assistant. I know other people use Shortcuts in all sorts of clever ways to do similar things. I still prefer paper and pencil and a sort of bullet journal.

Jeremy Cherfas

Currently reading: Kim by Rudyard Kipling

Jeremy Cherfas

Replied to a post on :

Half a world away, two outages fried my wifi extender. You have my sympathy.

Jeremy Cherfas

I realise the risk I run saying this, but I do believe that the amount of spiced ham this site has received has dropped off over the past six months.

Jeremy Cherfas

OK, from Omnibear, testing a link to #4

Jeremy Cherfas

This is a test reply from Omnibear, to try and isolate why webmentions appear not to be being sent by WithKnown.

Jeremy Cherfas

What's interesting about this webmention is that on my site it comes from unknown and content is empty.

Jeremy Cherfas

I also need to test webmentions, I suppose.

Jeremy Cherfas

Here we go again, with New York City set to ban foie gras.

Nothing has changed that I can see, since I spoke to Michaela DeSoucey a few years ago.

Jeremy Cherfas

If you want to understand webmentions in WordPress, might this be a good starting point for you?

Jeremy Cherfas

Maybe it's just me, @kewgardens, but I would have expected an article about interesting lettuces with lots of photos to at least tell me the names of the varieties pictured.

Jeremy Cherfas

Henrik Carlsson took the trouble to record a microcast in reply to my Eating Alone episode and raised a completely new reason for wanting to eat alone: because cooking for and eating with picky children can be a bit of a trial. Good luck with future meals.

Jeremy Cherfas

Just published the latest Eat This Newsletter at and need to test this new Twitter plugin too.

So here goes.

Jeremy Cherfas

Just upgraded my WithKnown site to the latest master. Slightly hair raising, but excellent help from @mapkyca got me over the hurdles. Only downside, currently, seems to be the plugin that syndicates to Twitter.

Jeremy Cherfas

I’m being hit by a wave of spam to sign-up forms, rather than comments, and I cannot fathom what’s in it for the spammers. No clue.

Jeremy Cherfas

I like the idea of a "tryout" tag for new websites that seem interesting enough to subscribe to, so I am promptly starting to do just that.

Jeremy Cherfas

It worked! Well done. Are you also in the IndieWeb IRC/Slack?

Jeremy Cherfas

Thanks for the link; will read. @NPRDanCharles had a good piece about the paper too.

Jeremy Cherfas

The farmers who benefit from Fair Trade don't pass the benefits on to their workers. New paper @LB_Naylor first alerted me to this in my episode on Fair Trade

Jeremy Cherfas

Frustrated attempt to create my first EC2 instance AND connect to it. Launching it with defaults went fine, but connecting kept timing out, and after going through all the troubleshooting it is still timing out. Stopped, for now.

Jeremy Cherfas

Replied to a post on :

This is very cool, and the login worked perfectly. Now, is there a separate feed for me if I am logged in?

Jeremy Cherfas

Such a well deserved award. Can't remember when I last enjoyed actually reading a cookbook this much. Well, I can, if I put my mind to it. It was Five Quarters from @racheleats

Jeremy Cherfas

The very few occasions on which someone’s interesting reply leads me to an interesting original are far outnumbered by banal replies that clutter my timeline. Grumpy? Sure. But I wish I could control that.

Jeremy Cherfas

So sorry that all the great content in Heated "by Medium and Mark Bittman" is available only to people willing to pay Medium's price. I'd much rather pay money.

Jeremy Cherfas

Seems to me that if you haven't grabbed clients on the home page, they're probably not going to go to an About page. So maybe that should be more personal?

Jeremy Cherfas

Seems to me that your home page is great as a professional About page. Just add some markup like an h-card. You have a contact form, which is important, what more do you need?

Jeremy Cherfas

Really Tonz, you shouldn't be meddling in this stuff. I'm just going to leave this here:

Jeremy Cherfas

Slowly developing an interest in bonsai, and came across a name that might be in a post comment. Just wondering, anyone else here interested?

Jeremy Cherfas

I do find myself wondering whether well-designed HTML newsletters -- as opposed to emails -- are more effective than not-so-well-designed newsletters at getting people to read what they contain.

Jeremy Cherfas

Just seen a beautiful little Grebe on the canal in Utrecht.

Jeremy Cherfas

I too am looking forward to day 1 of IWC Utrecht.

Jeremy Cherfas

Maybe it is because I had already noted a Washington Post piece about "real" food people ignoring the Magnolia cookbook, but I found Grant McCracken's piece about Martha Stewart doing the same so trenchant and also so sad.

Jeremy Cherfas

I got to the cube rule via Andy Baio, who also linked to soup-salad-sandwich-space. It is my duty, however, to point out that to a real topologist, there are only four foods, not six.

Jeremy Cherfas

Thanks for your thoughts Aaron. You raise an issue that hadn't occurred to me: being able to eat things that you don't get at home because nobody else likes those things. I do that when I'm eating out, even if I'm not alone, but yes, that works too.

Jeremy Cherfas

I just backed Bokeh: Private, independent, and user-funded photo sharing on @Kickstarter

Jeremy Cherfas

Fine article on global diets, but lord it is annoying to discover that an image credit is baked into the image. Makes tracking down the original, so that I can give credit if I use it, that much more difficult.

Jeremy Cherfas

Replied to a post on :

Excellent news. 10Centuries now has a clickable permalink even for brief social status updates.

Jeremy Cherfas

An IndieWeb Book Club is a really interesting idea for people who like that sort of thing, but I am a bit Groucho Marx about clubs. I may get around to the book, or I may not, but right now I will watch from the sidelines.

Jeremy Cherfas

That's odd. Just when I want to be liking something specifically via micropub, my site starts playing up.

Jeremy Cherfas

Replied to a post on :

Drink it. Very refreshing. Can also be good in breads.

Jeremy Cherfas

Replied to a post on :

Very hard to believe that Tanner Campbell chose to put his very IndieWeb idea about podcasting on Medium rather than on his own domain. Of course, the idea will never work because the big players don't need it and the small ones won't hurt anyone by witholding their labour.

Jeremy Cherfas

Is that the Original Willard, and the Original Lobby? (If you don't know what I'm talking about, apologies.)

Jeremy Cherfas

Fastmail users: Is it possibly to delete the attachments from a batch of emails either as a batch or with a script of some sort?

I do not want to delete the emails, only the attachments.

Jeremy Cherfas

Good to see that Italy did the right thing and voted against the EU Copyright Directive.

Kudos too to Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Poland, Finland and Sweden.

Jeremy Cherfas

"Allegedly"? Puhleeze!

Jeremy Cherfas


1 min read

'Debatable' List Of '100 Most Jewish' Foods Leaves Plenty Of Room For Kibbitzing in The Salt is an interesting review. Makes me want to read the book. Also makes me want to promote today's episode about one Jewish food and one arguably Christian food. Coming in a couple of hours.

Jeremy Cherfas

Having a fun time thinking about hot cross buns and shank bones, among other things, for the next episode.