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Jeremy Cherfas

Currently reading: The Secret Pilgrim by John le Carré, ISBN: 9780340552056

Jeremy Cherfas

Finished reading: The Final Solution by Michael Chabon, ISBN: 9780060777104

Jeremy Cherfas

My DropBox bill is going up, and while I get value from it, I wonder whether there might be alternatives. I don't think I want to be responsible for hosting something like NextCloud, but I'm willing to be persuaded. Could anyone who has done so offer an honest appraisal. Thanks.

Jeremy Cherfas

Rye (or spelt) ???

1 min read

Thanks to an unfollowable stream on Twitter, I came upon the website of Joshua Nudell, an historian with an interest in ancient Greek breads. A post of his, translating from Athenaeus’s Deipnosophistae, refers in passing to "the loaf from rye (or spelt)". That's strange. So I left a comment on the post, as follows:

I don't know Ancient Greek, but I do know some ancient and modern cereals, so I am hoping you can elaborate on this. Does the list mean two different loaves, one of rye and one of spelt? Or does it mean that rye is sometimes known as spelt, which would be a very interesting reading indeed.


This could be interesting.

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

I read both of the pieces Chris Aldrich linked to, and my main response was to feel underwhelmed. Maybe that's because I don't have the baggage of caring one whit about George Washington's teeth. And of the other discussion, on "open" I am too ignorant to form an opinion.

Jeremy Cherfas

Yay, and welcome to WithKnown. Glad to see you got it working. One comment, I think that the twitter logo might be missing from the syndicated link for this post.

Jeremy Cherfas

Just discovered I have a digital note called today that has entries that go back to 2015-10-10. How did that happen?

So I added "Process this note to the top of it".

Jeremy Cherfas

Thanks to Kicks Condor I too have discovered Legible News, which is a great way to scan the previous day's events. But seriously, why did it need someone else to build the RSS feed? I imagine that creating the daily Legible News is fully automated anyway. How hard would it have been to add the microformats to make it an h-feed?

Jeremy Cherfas

Since getting a new VPN, Spotify thinks I am in Sweden, and it is remarkable how much more tolerable the ads are. Not just because I don't understand them, because they are so much less frenetic.

Jeremy Cherfas

I wrote about reviving my sourdough after an extended absence.

Jeremy Cherfas

I'd certainly pay for an app that used RSS (or similar) to aggregate photographers' streams. Heck, I'd even exert pressure on my own favourite photographer to create a dedicated photo stream. I've kickstartered less promising pitches. h/t @chrisaldrich

Jeremy Cherfas

I managed to restore my Apple Time Capsule to proper working order, I think, but how sensible is it, really, to have the reset button and the status lights on opposite sides of the device?

Jeremy Cherfas

2019 was pretty good. 2020 will be pretty good too. That is all.

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

I have absolutely no problem shilling for Flickr, so if you've been considering signing up to a Pro account, use this link and save 25%

Jeremy Cherfas

Reddit’s Best Mindblowing Facts of All Time at

My favourite: “Hitler, Trotsky, Tito, Freud and Stalin all lived in Vienna in 1913.”

h/t jgordon

Jeremy Cherfas

Replied to a post on :

What gets me about Jason shaving in the shower is not that he thinks he looks too young, but that he might have solved the problem of a mirror that does not fog up. If I could shave in the shower, gosh, how much more time I'd have to be productive the rest of the day.

Jeremy Cherfas

Very peeved. Time Machine can no longer see my Time Capsule and neither can I. Tried restarting the computer, but that didn't help. Don'[t really want to do a factory reset. What else can I try?

Jeremy Cherfas

"UK podcast listeners willing to pay £4 average for monthly subscriptions" it says here:

Standing by, here:

Jeremy Cherfas

I do not believe that consumers are the main beneficiaries of recent trends in the centralisation and industrialisation of food production. Convenient, perhaps, but safe and affordable? At what price?

Jeremy Cherfas

Podcasts are not radio shows. Or at least, they didn't used to be. Now, judging by how almost all awards lump them together, there is no meaningful distinction. Except that, in our hearts, we know that there is.

Jeremy Cherfas

The big problem with the “all food is processed” and “everything is a chemical” arguments is that they fail to speak the same language as the people for whom “processed” and “chemical” have other meanings. I prefer to ask who benefits from the processing and the chemicals.

Jeremy Cherfas

Day 1 of IndieWeb Challenge

Fixed all the feeds for my main blog website and checked their validity.

Jeremy Cherfas

Great piece about the difficult life of a solo podcaster, with lots of insights that another solo podcaster can both appreciate and make use of. But why on Earth limit its reach to Medium? You should have your own site, where you control the content.

Jeremy Cherfas

Where to push for greater food safety as food supply systems change is such a difficult question, as discussed in my podcast with Shirley Tarawali and Delia Grace @ILRI

Jeremy Cherfas

I've been doing this too since you, I think, recommended it, but it is of little help for my mountainous backlog.

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Just published the latest issue of Eat This Newsletter at

Jeremy Cherfas

Replied to a post on :

Yes, if you still need one.

Jeremy Cherfas

Chris Aldrich wanted to know if I have a feed of podcasts I've actually listened to. Last time I checked, the RSS feed was very broken, a symptom of a site-wide problem. But the h-feed works, so there's that. At

Jeremy Cherfas

I confess, I missed this story when it first came out, and have not seen responses, but if a major backer of EAT has bought an airline, it does rather call into question the whole "less meat" aspect of climate change campaigners.

Jeremy Cherfas

At last, I think I may have an actual genuine use for an IPad in my life

Jeremy Cherfas

Indeed, many of the people I've talked to about cashew nuts don't know the human suffering that goes into them. I learned about it ages ago, when the World Bank interfered with cashew production in Mozambique. That capuchins manage it amazes me.

Jeremy Cherfas

Good work so far. As you note, already offers a lot of the IndieWeb building blocks. And it recently started to offer an option to register your own domain, addressing another of your points. It's a good option for people (who can afford it) to explore the possibilities, and the nice thing is you can always move your content somewhere else if you want to. That's another good reason not to rely on silos.

Jeremy Cherfas

Airbnb Promises to Verify All 7 Million Listings After VICE Report Exposes Scam, according to

At least until the next time.

Jeremy Cherfas

John Naughton seems overly impressed by the distant blog of King's College Chapel. I prefer to think that Clare's Memorial Court occupies the centre of the frame.

Jeremy Cherfas

Perhaps it was from you that I learned about @georgethepoet. In any case, his episode on Grenfell Tower was astonishingly good. So full of understanding and also so provocative. Can't wait to get stuck in to the live episode.

Jeremy Cherfas

Just sent an email to the lucky winner of 50 Ways to Cook a Carrot from @prospectbooks Now to wait and see whether they want it. Of course they will. But if not, I'll pick someone else at random from my newsletter subscribers.

Jeremy Cherfas

Snagging on the new website theme is progressing nicely, although some things do take a while for the cache to empty. I think I'll go for a walk and stop worrying about it.

Jeremy Cherfas

What is the woman on the left doing? Is this some arcane form of Chinese exercise that I am not at all familiar with?

Jeremy Cherfas

Rode my bike in town today for the first time in months -- and it's true what they say. I had not forgotten how.

Jeremy Cherfas

Just flipped the switch on tickets for the next one-day Sourdough U course in Rome. Come and learn how to care for and use a sourdough leaven. Suitable for experienced bakers and absolute beginners.

Jeremy Cherfas

TIL that there is such a thing as a non-food interpretation of 🌮

Jeremy Cherfas

I've never actually paid attention to the small drop in volume when I do the final render to MP3 files; maybe I should.

Jeremy Cherfas

I'm all for radishes as a nice bit of crunch. Plus, they're so easy and quick to grow, even in restricted spaces, and a home-grown radish is even more rewarding.

Jeremy Cherfas

Finished reading: The Cockroach by Ian McEwan

Jeremy Cherfas

Complex session on how to markup and consume a post that contains multiple photos and videos in any order.

Jeremy Cherfas

"Meat traders came out in support of vegan activists who occupied Smithfield Market in London last night."

Happy to take your word for it, as The Times won't let me read without registering.

Jeremy Cherfas

Uh-oh. Asking people to stop eating meat is one thing, stopping people who sell it for a living is quite another. I fear that the blockade of Smithfield market in London might prove to be an XR error.