[Astonishing juggling](https://vimeo.com/184028817).
🚍🚊🛫🚍NUE #indiewebcamp
j4y is displaying webmentions. I am so jealous; I thought I had cracked my problem, only to realise that I am still a long way from home.
Another perfect example of that old journalistic rule: if a headline ends in a question mark, the answer is "No"
Another update, another "Micropub error" from micro.blog and the latest @WithKnown.
Off to upgrade to the new @WithKnown release. I may be some time, although I expect not. Hoping for improved import/export to amalgamate my two sites.
"Minus lima beans" In my view, that's a shame, but I know a lot of people disagree. Map of Dry Bean Acres in U.S. https://bigpictureagriculture.blogspot.it/2017/05/map-of-dry-bean-acres-in-us.html
Hey @GrassBased checking old links, found your site either hacked or abandoned. Would love to see this graph again http://blog.sethroberts.net/2013/09/01/the-irrelevance-of-grass-fed-beef-ancestral-health-symposium-...
Each new release of the micro.blog app I check to see whether it will post back here. Still disappointed. Still getting a "micropub error". Still no idea if there's anything I can do about it.
One door opens, another one shuts; cleaned up my RSS feed from here to remove photos, which weren't being picked up anyway, only to discover that a quick and dirty fix elsewhere was far dirtier than I expected.
Good to learn this morning that blendle.com is now offering highlighting with sharing and export. Need to try it.
The swallows are back!
Also, although my photos from Instagram appear in the RSS feed here, they do not seem to be picked up at micro.blog.
Interesting that the Discovery page on micro.blog seems to change the order in which some people are presented. I hope eventually to be able to see who other people are following.
Micro.blog has so far failed to verify me; no idea why. I can see the rel="me" links here and on the Mothership. Hey ho.
Just got my first advert on Instagram. Is there no hiding place? They're not even asking for a ransom. Yet.
Not having any joy posting from microblog to here, nor following others from the app but that's ok. No rush.
So, there I am on micro.blog. I suppose I better verify my url next. Looks good, but not entirely intuitive yet. Early days though.
Lookout world food. @ColinKhoury talking about #changingglobaldiets website on the podcast tomorrow.
Mashup: Email Debt Forgiveness Day @replyall https://gimletmedia.com/episode/94-obfuscation/ and The Holiday Industrial Complex @planetmoney http://www.npr.org/sections/money/2017/04/18/524577372/episode-765-the-holiday-industrial-complex
My review of Hold Still by Sally Mann https://www.jeremycherfas.net/reviews/hold-still
Another dead mic for @bartona104 https://blog.patreon.com/promote-podcast/
Interesting conversation with @_amanda_j_lee about food prices and nutrition in Australia http://www.eatthispodcast.com/australia-where-healthier-diets-are-cheaper
.@FoodSecurityUK I believe your Feedburner account has been hijacked because I am getting scads of spammy garbage in my RSS reader
I rather like the idea of a "food mirage". The Depressing Truth About Hipster Food Towns | Mother Jones http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2017/04/food-desert-mirage-gentrify-brooklyn-portland-groceries-...
Time Magazine offers its "Best Podcasts 2017" and it is absolutely as dull as you might imagine it would be. These people need to get out more. http://time.com/4709592/best-podcasts-2017
I am really enjoying and learning from @SceneOnRadio whiteness series with John Biewen. #trypod
Or you could write a blog post https://www.jeremycherfas.net/blog/or-you-could-write-a-blog-post #indieweb
I'm just going to leave this here: 11 Facts About Hunger in the US | DoSomething.org https://www.dosomething.org/facts/11-facts-about-hunger-us
Would any pnut devs who speak Python be interested in bringing pnut more fully into the world of #indieweb, by integrating with brid.gy? Instructions here https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy#adding-a-new-silo
1 min read
The question "does @WithKnown have a future?" is cropping up increasingly frequently of late. And the "official" answer is that it most definitely does, look at all the activity on github, nothing has changed. And it's true, there has been a lot of activity and things are moving, if you go and look. But for someone just looking in and trying to decide whether to use the software, the lack of outward facing activity must be a bit off-putting.
Or maybe it isn't.
I have no idea.
All this was [kicked back and forth on the WithKnown IRC channel yesterday](https://github.com/mapkyca/KnownchatLogs/blob/master/2017-03-23.md), with -- alas -- no input (yet?) from the developers.
I'm going to continue trying to understand Known because right now it seems to me the best place to continue pursuing #indieweb ideals.
Pure voodoo. What did not work a couple of days ago works today. Exactly the same! So, Kudos to @dg01d and his plugin to syndicate from @withknown to pnut.
I wonder whether Brid.gy can talk to pnut.
Flight booked for @indiewebcamp NĂĽrnberg. This is getting real. #indieweb
Eat This Podcast letting off steam http://www.eatthispodcast.com/but-there-were-people-starving-in-china/
Curbing my own disappointment with congrats to @fuchsiadunlop and @evankleiman and all other #jbfa nominees.
Pork safety in Vietnam: further evidence from @ILRI that eaters and officials worry about the wrong things https://news.ilri.org/2017/03/15/a-deep-dive-inside-vietnams-pork-foodshed-to-determine-food-safety-...
2 min read
Nick Quah's Hot Pod newsletter is a lode from which I occasionally extract a nugget. [Today](http://us12.campaign-archive1.com/?u=e7175619f87bd6b29429572aa&id=732cf5e4b1&e=07840946c7), in the wake of the latest Edison Report on podcast listening (in the US) he quotes a bloke from Audible who says:
> To me, the fact that 40% of US adults have tried podcasting, yet only half of them listen regularly, that's astounding. Show me any other medium that has that gap. None. When people sample and don't habituate, it speaks to interest that isn't being met by the content that's available today. There either isn't enough variety of things for people to listen to —or there isn't enough of what they like to meet their appetite. With 350,000 podcasts, that seems like a strange thing to say, but the simple truth is that potential listeners aren't sticking with it — and there are only two potential reasons: not enough good stuff — or they simply can't find it. Solving this could go as far as doubling the audience for podcasting.
I wonder why "Eric Nuzum, Audible’s SVP of Original Content," even bothers to raise the straw man of not enough content. And why he does not raise the question that discovery and subscription are two sides of the same coin. Right now, neither discovery nor subscription is easy.
Nick Quah himself doesn't think discovery is a problem, and that's a problem for me. He says:
> It has always occurred to me that discovery functions in the podcasting space along the same dynamics as the rest of the internet; there is simply so much stuff out there, and so the problem isn’t the discovering an experience in and of itself — it’s discovering a worthwhile or meaningful experience within a universe of deeply suboptimal experiences.
But to me that seems to miss the essential difference between audio and the other things on the internet.
It is hard to get audio at a glance. And the solution is not to make ever shorter bits of attention-grabbing audio. It is to find other ways to recommend and share audio in ways that make it easy to hear a piece, to sample a show and eventually, maybe, to subscribe.
Where’s the romance in milking 300 sheep by hand, twice a day? http://www.eatthispodcast.com/good-industrial-food
#Quinoa "is like the erotic sci-fi murals found in Saddam Hussein’s palaces—pretentious and tasteless" Uh-huh http://www.economist.com/news/leaders/21718516-spread-exotic-grains-evidence-globalisation-works-pra...
The numbers may be dodgy, and so is the "Italian" olive oil. How's a poor shopper to know? http://www.italianinsider.it/?q=node/5088
I wonder whether I can use the Recipe plugin for @withknown to markup a recipe for #indieweb and then copy the HTML to my own site?
1 min read
> I guess hiring a card designer wasn’t in the budget this year.
Simple and straightforward explanation of how the design of the card inside the envelope makes all the difference.
Setting (some of) my marginalia free #indieweb https://www.jeremycherfas.net/blog/setting-my-marginalia-free
Squeaked in under the wire with a submission to @hearsayfestival Here's hoping.
Now available for all: How much does a nutritious #diet cost. http://www.eatthispodcast.com/how-much-does-a-nutritious-diet-cost/
Done. The cost of eating a nutritious diet. Patreons can enjoy it now. Everyone else will have to wait http://patreon.com/etp
1 min read
Writing something nice again, but I have enabled the Markdown plugin on Known.
And maybe a headline too
Utterly bizarre; when I went to write a new post, the above was already there. In other words, the content of the post from Quill, without the block quote.
>This should be a markdown block quote.
I'm knackered. Will try some more tomorrow.
1 min read
Writing something nice again, but I have enabled the Markdown plugin on Known.
So need something in HTML, like this block quote
And maybe a headline too