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Jeremy Cherfas


rabbit_quest #geohashing 20241219-W-AY68OD

1 min read

Composite image. On the left a map showing the location of the quest and my position. On the right, a mocha-brown house with white trim around the windows and other decoraticve elements. There is a motor scooter parked on the pavement outside the house and evergreen trees to either side of the building.

* On foot
* 41.876189, 12.460472
* 19 December 2024
* 425.37 ppm CO2
* OpenStreetMap 

I wanted to bag this rabbit because the house in the photo was derelict for years and falling apart because, we were told, the siblings who inherited it couldn't agree what to do with it. No idea how that was resolved, but it looks great now.