I thought I read that m.b re-polls feeds from time to time and picks up edits. In fact, I know it does. But what if a post on my connected site never actually made it here? Is there anything I can do to bring it in?
Jeremy Cherfaspublished this
@eli Thanks. That's good to know. Now to see whether it worked.
@jeremycherfas Hhhmn. Not so far. I wonder whether that is because I started with an @name. Let me try again.
@JohnPhilpin Now I’m thinking that an @name at the start of a post on an external site may be a problem.
@jeremycherfas doesn’t sound right
@jeremycherfas Starting with an @-mention for external sites should be fine. So, the feed is on your account, but the post never showed up? If you want to send me the permalink I can look into it. (It polls every couple minutes.)
@manton Thanks, but not to worry. I did a new post on my site, and that did show up. The old one did not, even after I pinged the url as @eli advised. It is hard to mention a micro.blog user on my own site and have it show up here. Automation for that would be great.
@jeremycherfas you can manually hit the m.b ping URL to re-index an rss feed (screenshot since m.b buggers up example urls like this, sometimes)
eli, Mar 16 2018 on micro.blog