Jeremy Cherfas
Replied to a post on :
Any chance you can explain why you think the CDATA wrapper is the issue? My Known feed also wraps description in CDATA and that may be what is causing to have trouble with it.
Jeremy, it appears that when enclosed within the CDATA wrapper the HTML tags are interpreted as characters whereas, when not within the wrapper, they are recognised as tags and ignored when appropriate. content/ statusupdates/ ?_t= rss) it contains the truncated text so is working with what it is given. As the posts have no titles I would expect the title element to be empty. handles mine fine, even with the CDATA but I think the issue you are having is with Known itself. When I look at the RSS feed for your status updates (https://
Why the character lengths of each title should be different though I don’t understand. It’s obviously doing some sanity check to make sure it doesn’t cut off in the middle of a word but even then doesn’t appear consistent.
Colin Walker, Apr 11 2018 on