I am **very** firmly of the opinion that cross posting original stuff from one site to another ought to be a considered decision on each occasion. Yes, that’s just me. It could be you too. Add a little friction; you know it makes things better.
Jeremy Cherfaspublished this
@jeremycherfas Yes. I’ve been thinking about friction a lot recently. We build tools and processes to make our lives faster and easier, but rarely do we design for friction, to force thought and reflection before action.
@jeremycherfas Agreed. I have my various blogs feed in to here, but that's all. I could post to Twitter/Fb, as I've set that up, but it's not often I will want to. Somewhat like my real-life friends, my social networks don't overlap a lot. (ADN refugees excepted).
@jeremycherfas yep. I'm certainly getting there, too …
@PhoneBoy Too much for some, not enough for others.
@jeremycherfas And by Ana Lang I mean enabling, obvs.
@vasta I actually just wrote a post about this!
@jeremycherfas Agree. But one cannot select that option in individual posts; can it? Once you configure cross posting it applies to all posts, right?
sumudu, Mar 26 2018 on micro.blog