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Jeremy Cherfas

Using [Quill]( gives me the option to create a new post as a reply. Again, my useless brain cannot remember whether Quill speaks Markdown. And currently, the bookmark opens in the same window, which means I have to remember to copy the URL I want to reply to.

Seconds later: ... Nope, Quill does not speak Markdown.

Jeremy Cherfas


1 min read

Finally reached a key milestone in the deliverables of a big work-for-money, so was able to treat myself to an excellent video from the [IndieWebSummit 2017](

First up, for me, [Lillian Karabaic]( offering [A brief history of my website]( I noted a few things.

First, the video, audio and editing were top notch. Huge kudos to everyone who made this happen. They say content trumps technical quality, and it does, but when you're not fighting quality, the value of the content is so much more obvious.

Second, and much more important, Lillian's trajectory mirrors my own and, not surprisingly, I can relate strongly to everything she said -- good and bad -- about the . The help available is stellar, the documentation isn't great (I hope to work on that) and it is hard to evangelise.

So much left to do ...

Jeremy Cherfas

Why the indieweb

1 min read

Richard MacManus is indiewebifying his site, and [had this to say](

> I’ve found the IndieWeb tools to be tremendously helpful, and the community to be open and friendly. But I think my own goals are a little different. I’m less interested in the technologies themselves (like microformats and webmention) and more interested in how they’re being used in the wider Web community. Not dissimilar to my interests when I started ReadWriteWeb. But of course to do this, I need to stand on the shoulders of the developers who build the tools.

All of which sums up my own position exactly. I'd go slightly further. I'm not as interested in how the technologies are being used in the wider Web community as I am in putting them to use myself.

*p.s. A major drawback of Withknown's excellent engine is that it doesn't allow New Posts to be replies, and that means I can't use the MarkDown formatting.*

Jeremy Cherfas

Hmmm. First time opening I get an Internal Server Error.

Maybe this means I've been signed out, but then why not say so?

Jeremy Cherfas

No. 2 is my favourite

1 min read

Dave Winer offers [three reasons why he will not point to a Facebook post](

No. 2 is my favourite:

> It's supporting their downgrading and killing the web. Your post sucks because it doesn't contain links, styling, and you can't enclose a podcast if you want. The more people post there, the more the web dies. I'm sorry no matter how good your idea is fuck you I won't help you and Facebook kill the open web.

Jeremy Cherfas

This is a little awkward

1 min read

I've been moaning to anyone who'll listen that there seems to be something wrong with Known; Micropubs could not seem to find the syndication targets. And other people had the same problem, I believe. But after a really enjoyable virtual Homebrew Web Club meeting, the problem might after all be at my end.

@zegnat created a fresh install of Known as we watched, hooked it up to Twitter, and was instantly rewarded with Quill seeing his syndication target, which it resolutely refused to do on my instance of Known. (It failed actually to syndicate, but that's a separate issue.)

So, now I need to try a fresh install myself. And as @Jeena suggested, better to do that on a new and different subdomain than risk messing everything up.

Alas, there is no way on Earth I can do this until near the end of the month.

I can wait.

Jeremy Cherfas

Just a test post

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Can @withknown do threaded replies? Seems silly to have to reply to my own post too to keep context

Jeremy Cherfas

Attempted to post to Known from the latest app. No error! But no post either. @manton

Jeremy Cherfas

Hey @withknown: can't seem to find RSVPs in 0.9.9. Can you give me a clue?

Jeremy Cherfas

Still confused about why Alitalia's online checkin will let me use it from some places and not from others. So inconvenient.

Jeremy Cherfas

Given that there's no search yet on, about the only way I can think of to be able to follow people is to know their handle and use it here. I hope that's OK with @bsag

Jeremy Cherfas

Arrived (a bit early) at Tollwerk for NUE alas, location seems unable to find my location

Jeremy Cherfas


Jeremy Cherfas

Replied to a post on :

j4y is displaying webmentions. I am so jealous; I thought I had cracked my problem, only to realise that I am still a long way from home.

Jeremy Cherfas

Another perfect example of that old journalistic rule: if a headline ends in a question mark, the answer is "No"

Jeremy Cherfas

Another update, another "Micropub error" from and the latest @WithKnown.

Jeremy Cherfas

Off to upgrade to the new @WithKnown release. I may be some time, although I expect not. Hoping for improved import/export to amalgamate my two sites.

Jeremy Cherfas

"Minus lima beans" In my view, that's a shame, but I know a lot of people disagree. Map of Dry Bean Acres in U.S.

Jeremy Cherfas

Hey @GrassBased checking old links, found your site either hacked or abandoned. Would love to see this graph again

Jeremy Cherfas

Each new release of the app I check to see whether it will post back here. Still disappointed. Still getting a "micropub error". Still no idea if there's anything I can do about it.

Jeremy Cherfas

One door opens, another one shuts; cleaned up my RSS feed from here to remove photos, which weren't being picked up anyway, only to discover that a quick and dirty fix elsewhere was far dirtier than I expected.

Jeremy Cherfas

Good to learn this morning that is now offering highlighting with sharing and export. Need to try it.

Jeremy Cherfas

The swallows are back!

Jeremy Cherfas

Also, although my photos from Instagram appear in the RSS feed here, they do not seem to be picked up at

Jeremy Cherfas

Interesting that the Discovery page on seems to change the order in which some people are presented. I hope eventually to be able to see who other people are following.

Jeremy Cherfas has so far failed to verify me; no idea why. I can see the rel="me" links here and on the Mothership. Hey ho.

Jeremy Cherfas

Just got my first advert on Instagram. Is there no hiding place? They're not even asking for a ransom. Yet.

Jeremy Cherfas

Not having any joy posting from microblog to here, nor following others from the app but that's ok. No rush.

Jeremy Cherfas

So, there I am on I suppose I better verify my url next. Looks good, but not entirely intuitive yet. Early days though.

Jeremy Cherfas

Lookout world food. @ColinKhoury talking about website on the podcast tomorrow.

Jeremy Cherfas

Mashup: Email Debt Forgiveness Day @replyall and The Holiday Industrial Complex @planetmoney

Jeremy Cherfas

My review of Hold Still by Sally Mann

Jeremy Cherfas

Another dead mic for @bartona104

Jeremy Cherfas

Interesting conversation with @_amanda_j_lee about food prices and nutrition in Australia

Jeremy Cherfas

.@FoodSecurityUK I believe your Feedburner account has been hijacked because I am getting scads of spammy garbage in my RSS reader

Jeremy Cherfas

I rather like the idea of a "food mirage". The Depressing Truth About Hipster Food Towns | Mother Jones

Jeremy Cherfas

Time Magazine offers its "Best Podcasts 2017" and it is absolutely as dull as you might imagine it would be. These people need to get out more.

Jeremy Cherfas

I am really enjoying and learning from @SceneOnRadio whiteness series with John Biewen.

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

I'm just going to leave this here: 11 Facts About Hunger in the US |

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Would any pnut devs who speak Python be interested in bringing pnut more fully into the world of , by integrating with Instructions here

Jeremy Cherfas

The future of WithKnown

1 min read

The question "does @WithKnown have a future?" is cropping up increasingly frequently of late. And the "official" answer is that it most definitely does, look at all the activity on github, nothing has changed. And it's true, there has been a lot of activity and things are moving, if you go and look. But for someone just looking in and trying to decide whether to use the software, the lack of outward facing activity must be a bit off-putting.

Or maybe it isn't.

I have no idea.

All this was [kicked back and forth on the WithKnown IRC channel yesterday](, with -- alas -- no input (yet?) from the developers.

I'm going to continue trying to understand Known because right now it seems to me the best place to continue pursuing ideals.

Jeremy Cherfas

Pure voodoo. What did not work a couple of days ago works today. Exactly the same! So, Kudos to @dg01d and his plugin to syndicate from @withknown to pnut.

I wonder whether can talk to pnut.

Jeremy Cherfas

Replied to a post on :

Flight booked for @indiewebcamp Nürnberg. This is getting real.

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

This is a perfect use of, to listen to audio with a specific tag where I might not want to subscribe to a that only occasionally deals with that topic.

Jeremy Cherfas

Curbing my own disappointment with congrats to @fuchsiadunlop and @evankleiman and all other nominees.