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Jeremy Cherfas

That reminds me, I should take a look at and see what's changed.

Jeremy Cherfas

Good going.

Jeremy Cherfas

In fact a far better answer to the question "Why do bell peppers come in different colors" is "Because plant breeders made that happen by selecting different varieties".

Jeremy Cherfas

Can't think why a respected organisation would link to this. It is wrong on so many levels. Final colour at maturity is a heritable trait. Different varieties mature to different colours.

Jeremy Cherfas

You can get good help

1 min read

I managed to fix a long-standing niggle with my practice this afternoon, thanks to some great help from cweiske and others. For the longest time Quill, a micropub client that I can use to publish here, wasn't showing me an option to syndicate directly to Twitter. That meant that I tended reply to tweets and stuff right there in the silo and not bring them back here. Fair enough, especially when a reply without context is like an egg without salt. But we figured it out, in part by that old standby of "switch it off and then switch it back on again". That got things working, and was enough of an impetus to upgrade WithKnown to the latest build. And so far, everything looks good.

Jeremy Cherfas

This is another test

Jeremy Cherfas

This is a test.

Jeremy Cherfas

Upgraded Known to latest build; everything seems to be OK but if you spot anything odd, please let me know.

Jeremy Cherfas

It is slightly odd to see the mad rush away from Facebook. Everything old is new again.

Jeremy Cherfas

With a whole two days still to run on the trial, I plunked down good money for [Tyme-app]( It is just so much better than one I was using before. Night and day.

Jeremy Cherfas

Blimey! I just started another Coursera offering this morning, and this evening I get an email imploring me to look at another 24 courses. Who do they think I am?

Jeremy Cherfas

I haven't done the Micro Monday thing before now; Mondays are often a bit busy. But today, I’m going to suggest @modernlittleme for a different perspective on life.

Jeremy Cherfas

I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that IFTTT simply isn't reliable enough to, er, rely on.

Jeremy Cherfas

I noticed the name @Jack in the credits for The Archive, and wondered: Do you (does he) use the zettelkasten method in full, or just take notes with The Archive?

Jeremy Cherfas

I thought I read that m.b re-polls feeds from time to time and picks up edits. In fact, I know it does. But what if a post on my connected site never actually made it here? Is there anything I can do to bring it in?

Jeremy Cherfas

What a ghastly afternoon. Power cut 15 minutes before I was due to record an interview with someone in New Mexico. The power came on a minute later, but the iMac was moribund. Luckily I was able to use the phone to email him, and he was cool about rescheduling. But I was stuck with a dead iMac until I thought of searching support. Turns out this was a thing, and there is a procedure, and everything is alright again. But still,

Jeremy Cherfas

Just downloaded The Archive from and rather hoping it plays nicely with nvALT and 1Writer (because I need iOS too)

Jeremy Cherfas

So disappointing that @slackhq is giving up on the gateway between Slack and IRC. I wonder why. No reason given.

Jeremy Cherfas

People of the interwebs: I know someone famous said something about a crank being a little thing that makes revolutions, but can I find it? Can I heck. If you know better -- and I know it was not Abe Lincoln -- please let me know.

Jeremy Cherfas

Giving a try. It has to be smoother than Toggl.

Jeremy Cherfas

I will never understand the special hell in which the people who do not understand Word styles must live.

Jeremy Cherfas

Twofer! Adactio's Ways and means and Tim Bray's Reviewing Ethics

2 min read

Two savvy treats on one day. Jeremy Keith takes a general look at the power of internet companies in his post on Ends and means. Tim Bray focuses specifically on the utility that is Google Maps in his post Reviewing Ethics.

Jeremy: Going back to the opening examples of online blackouts, was it morally wrong for companies to use their power to influence politics? Or would it have been morally wrong for them not to have used their influence?

Tim: Call me crazy, but I’d pass leg­is­la­tion to keep Google from do­ing what they’re do­ing. They should be able to sell space on the map­s, and they should be able to pro­vide qual­i­ty fil­ter­s, and col­lect feed­back on re­views and down­grade or up­grade them ac­cord­ing­ly. But no damn way should they own the map and the crowd­sourced value-adds on the map.

No collusion, I'm sure, just two smart people addressing their concerns about good behaviour by those who make and use the web.

Jeremy Cherfas

I may need a new work timer, having inadvertently upgraded the old version of @Toggl. The new one is silly complex.

Jeremy Cherfas

The worst possible feedback: it works for me.

1 min read

One of the good things about WordPress is how flexible it seems on the surface, able to perform all sorts of wizardry. One of the bad things about WordPress is how that very flexibility often makes it extremely difficult to achieve any sort of wizardry. That seems particularly true of anything to do with the .

So I was surprised to learn that Aaron Davis was having difficulty implementing a ZenPress child theme

Surprised because I run with a ZenPress child theme and cannot recall any difficulties in setting that up. I think there may have been some issues with capitalisation of various names, but beyond that, I'm at a loss. I'd love to help -- but not sure how best to do that.

Maybe I should just share my child theme.

Jeremy Cherfas

@dgold if you are in IndieWeb IRC, can you figure out what just happened? Every one left in a hurry. Something about *.net *.split

Jeremy Cherfas

Odd. seems unable to secure a connection on this free WiFi network at the airport. In which case, what’s the point?

Jeremy Cherfas

About webmentions

2 min read

Webmentions are the glue that sticks all the bits in all the sites together.

That’s my one-liner about one of the core ideas about the , but it doesn’t actually tell you very much if you want to know how the glue works. I’ve kind of absorbed a moderately high-level abstraction over the past little while of playing with webmentions, but a friend asked for more:

Do you know of any diagrams that explain how this stuff works without all the … words that web communities seem to enjoy creating? I keep coming back to this topic every so often, and every time I return things just appear more complicated and broken than before …

I don’t think that last opinion is merited, but then I would say that. And right now I don’t have the time to write up my understanding. I’m pretty sure I saw something clear and to the point a little while back, but I’m blowed if I can find it now. So here are four pieces I have found.

These may not answer the question fully, but they are a start. And they might inspire me to write my own version, especially if I could have a synchronous discussion about it with my interlocuter.

Jeremy Cherfas

Doing a little tidying up on my site and wondering whether there's a preferred font-awesome icon for micro-blog.

Jeremy Cherfas

Oh bother. is down. Now I'll have to think of something else to do while I procrastinate.

Jeremy Cherfas

I tried posting from (on ios) to my site, and all I got was an error message. Not easy to debug. So now I’m trying from the OSX app. Sorry if I disturbed anyone.

Jeremy Cherfas

I see @cygnoir has just asked Samuel Clay to add sharing to to Newsblur. It would be even better to support any site with Micropub. That would be so worthwhile an addition to a great feed reader.

Jeremy Cherfas

Great headlines of our time. "A study by the Public University of Navarre wins an award at an international conference"

Jeremy Cherfas

Prepping for an imminent interview by reading from @newfoodeconomy.

Jeremy Cherfas

How to discourage enterprise in the English countryside

1 min read

I have only seen one side of Nick Snelgar's dispute with his local planning authority but I have no reason to doubt what I've seen there. To me it seems indisputable that, no matter what politicians like Michael Gove may say, there is no real desire to allow small farmers to reform the farming and food landscape in England.

Jeremy Cherfas

What's the problem?

1 min read

Over at Scripting News, Dave Winer says:

Every blog should have a Subscribe button. In an open ecosystem this is a problem, a problem that silos don't have. Which is the advantage Twitter (a silo) has over the open web.

I guess I'm not smart enough to see what that problem might be.

Jeremy Cherfas

Diving into diacetyl for this week's Eat This Newsletter. You still have time to subscribe.

Jeremy Cherfas

That’s a bit of a disappointment. Daily Kos won’t play nicely with Instapaper.

Jeremy Cherfas

Old posts open old wounds

1 min read

Some of the people rediscovering independent publishing on their own domains are agonising over self-censorship, guilt and the like. I'm slowly continuing to bring old posts over into my main site. That goes for the ones that hurt a bit to read.

The only ones I'm not bringing are link posts that include dead links. A few are just too topical to bother with. The others are coming over, albeit not very quickly, even if I have to go searching for archived pages to link to.


Jeremy Cherfas

Felix Salmon approves of Oxfam's latest inequality report

1 min read

Along the way, Salmon has this to say:

the world’s billionaires – the richest 2,000 people on the planet – saw their wealth increase by a staggering $762 billion in just one year. That’s an average of $381 million apiece. If those billionaires had simply been content with staying at their 2016 wealth, and had given their one-year gains to the world’s poorest people instead, then extreme poverty would have been eradicated. Hell, they could have eradicated extreme poverty, at least in theory, by giving up just one seventh of their annual gains.

Hang on a minute. Wouldn't the billionnaires need to make that awesome sacrifice every year? Or does the fact the people would slide back into extreme poverty next year not matter?


Jeremy Cherfas

This may seem strange, but I really don’t mind it when my social streams fall off the bottom because I’ve been away. Generally, I will catch up with anything that I find interesting, and if I don’t, that’s ok too.

Jeremy Cherfas

2018-01-23 02

1 min read

Catching up on reviewing my Christmas reading: Unbelievably dystopian

Jeremy Cherfas


1 min read

Latest episode of Eat This Podcast is up now. Bread as it ought to be.

Jeremy Cherfas

Very sad to read Daring Fireball on Dean Allen's death. No matter what Textdrive became in the end, it was a super place to be in the beginning and Textile was an inspiration to lots of lesser folks.

Jeremy Cherfas

Still puzzled by why some photo posts in Known go through to with an image and others don’t. Almost all are PESOS from Instagram. I thought I had an explanation, but it doesn’t hold up.

Jeremy Cherfas


2 min read

It is always interesting to read of someone else deciding to give the IndieWeb a try. I like what Michael Singletary has to say, especially this

Most of my online friends and acquaintances will never understand or participate in the IndieWeb, and so I require a bridge between these worlds. On one side I choose what content to post and how it is stored, and it exists mainly on an island that few visit regularly. On the other side is nearly everyone I know, blissfully ignorant of my real home on the web and unable to see any content shared there without manual intervention or working plugins.

What really struck me, though, was the line in his bio: “Blogging since 2002, taking control of my content since 2018.”

I lost some of my pre–2002 posts, not through the actions of any evil silo (were there any, then?), but through my own idiocy in misplacing a crucial backup. And I never really got on board the silo first band-wagon, so in a sense I have always owned the content I care about owning. Most of my friends do consider it kind of weird that I didn’t see the photo they posted only to FB, but they’re only too happy to show them to me one on one. So yes, for now few people visit this island, and that’s OK. I enjoy the ones who do.

I'm using the IndieWeb in an attempt to make it easier for everyone to visit, and that works too.

Jeremy Cherfas


1 min read

My friend Jason was recently musing on the possibility of legislating firms to employ a certain number of people, based on revenue, in order to slow the pace of automation and the joblessness it leads to. I get that there's a problem,because no matter how good state provision for joblessness might be, firms contribute only a small part (if any) to the costs of supporting the workers they fire. Jason's idea is essentially an additional tax on firms to offset the costs of joblessness by creating unnecessary jobs. In my view there's a far better way; tax firms more, and spend some of the proceeds on a universal basic income.

Jeremy Cherfas


1 min read

One million webmentions. Very pleased to have played my own tiny part in this.

Jeremy Cherfas

Read it and weep (tears of joy). Bonnie Ohara of Alchemy Bread tells some of the story of her home-baking operation and how she has helped to create and nourish her local community.

Jeremy Cherfas


1 min read

@cn suggested I use the date as the title of a Post in Known, to ensure that the contents of the post gets through to intact, and, as so often, he is correct.

All I have to do now is remember to salute him next

Jeremy Cherfas

For all the joy of the , and the pleasure of civil discourse, I am becoming incredibly confused by aspects of There’s the question of titleless posts, of which is this is one as an experiment, versus status updates. There are posts that appear to be contributions to an interesting conversation but aren’t because they have been cross-posted automatically from elsewhere. And there is the lack of a scroll back, which means that as I follow more people and choose not to check in the middle of my night, stuff vanishes irretrievably from my timeline.

There are also issues with Known that are nothing to do with

None of this is insurmountable. For me, though, it does add friction.