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Jeremy Cherfas

TFW you realise your human-powered cron job hasn't been human powered for too long.

Jeremy Cherfas


1 min read

A couple of days ago, @phoneboy mentioned the fun he had deleting the spam webmentions he had received on WordPress.

I asked him to document them.

Now Phoneboy replies:

Once I figure out the right settings, I’ll let you know.

And I’m not sure what that means. What right settings? Doesn’t WordPress keep a copy of all comments it receives? It would be really useful to see the contents of those “spam webmentions,” where they came from, what they contained, who sent them, simply because, as I said before, so few of these imagined evils have so far been spotted in the open. Not sure what settings that requires.

Also, the irony of this question has not escaped me:

Also, where did you post this comment? Didn’t see it in

I posted it here. Where else would I post it?

Jeremy Cherfas

Test post from Omnibear in Firefox.

Jeremy Cherfas


1 min read

If you're looking for a really good introduction to the and insights into how it all works, you could do a lot worse than listen to Jeena's podcast with Martijn. They do a tip-top job of explaining for people less knowledgeable than they are, and the audio quality is very acceptable.

Jeremy Cherfas


1 min read

Strangely, perhaps, given my love of tinkering with shiny, I've never been tempted by Ghost. But reading the latest birthday review surfaced this bit of wisdom.

Decentralised platforms fundamentally cannot compete on ease of setup. Nothing beats the UX of signing up for a centralised application.


Centralised platforms fundamentally cannot compete on power and flexibility. In the long run, nothing beats owning your technology and controlling your destiny.

Jeremy Cherfas


1 min read

I think I just need to remind myself and others of the natural progresion of things.

  1. Everything not forbidden is permitted.
  2. Everything not permitted is forbidden.
  3. Everything not forbidden is compulsory

That is all.

Jeremy Cherfas

Data Peddling Scum is the name of my new Grunge tribute band.

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

If you would like to know more about the IndieWeb beyond and WP, why not join us for the [virtual Homebrew WebsiteClub]( this evening at 17:30 CEST?

Jeremy Cherfas

Huge congratulations to @nprDanCharles, @mgodoyh and everyone else at The Salt for their well-deserved

Jeremy Cherfas


1 min read

Like Tom MacWright, I too have almost no need for Google these days, with one exception: Chat. I have a couple of friends with whom I enjoy messaging, and they aren't about to go anywhere else. I already use YakYak. Is there any way I could message their GTalk without having a Google account myself?

Jeremy Cherfas

I really do not understand the nofilter tag on Instagram. Is it really that meaningful to point out that you just snapped a shot and didn't mess with it later?

Jeremy Cherfas

Replied to a post on :

Me neither! Came up yesterday in a MOOC I am studying. It's the little things ...

Jeremy Cherfas

You could do worse than look at @WithKnown for a reasonably simple solution. It isn't quite as easy to use, but it isn't that difficult either.

Jeremy Cherfas

Managed about an hour of "gardening" before the drizzle began. So that's good.

Jeremy Cherfas

@rosemaryorchard Have you looked at the hibbitts design open publishing space for Gerav and Git?

Jeremy Cherfas

Absolutely correct. The people are eager and willing to help, and I would not have got anywhere without them. Which is why I am careful to say that I see no deliberate effort to exclude anyone. But as you say, it isn't ready for everyone either. Nor will it be, I don't think.

Jeremy Cherfas


1 min read

Digging into how withknown creates RSS feeds, I can see two things.

One is that for a status post, which has no title, `<title>` is a truncated version of the post content, although the level of truncation seems to vary. Not sure why.

The other is that even status posts, with a truncated `<title>`, have a full `<description>` that includes `p-name` and `e-content` and even `entry-content`.

But does not seem to read `<description>` at least not when it is coming from my withknown RSS feed.


Jeremy Cherfas

Is there, anywhere, a definitive guide to how truncates posts it receives via RSS?

Jeremy Cherfas

Strange question, I know, but ... Is there any way I can restrict access to a post in WP without having to make people jump through **any** hoops to see it?

There are lots of solutions that allow only registered users to see a specific post. What I want ideally is a link I can give people that will work for them and not for anyone else. A page hidden from anyone who does not have that link.

The idea is to give email subscribers and other supporters access either exclusively or well in advance of the general public.

Jeremy Cherfas

Just read a horrible coinage: autonomobile. Cars were never automobile without a driver. We are still waiting for a truly automobile means of transport.

Jeremy Cherfas

This is worrying. I received a message from Fastmail saying I had reached my sending limit for the day. Impossible. I raised a ticket and 8.5 hours later got confirmation my account had been compromised. I'll say this for Fastmail; the recovery process is superb. The worrying part is that I **know** I did not reply to any phishing expedition. So how did it happen? Brute force, maybe. Pwned, maybe.

Jeremy Cherfas

Not that he needs it, but let me offer @matigo as my Micro Monday suggestion.

Jeremy Cherfas

As I start work on my monthly review, it occurs to me that despite having signed up for @belle's excellent roundup of reviews, and checking my spam folder, I've never received a single one.

Jeremy Cherfas

I am **very** firmly of the opinion that cross posting original stuff from one site to another ought to be a considered decision on each occasion. Yes, that’s just me. It could be you too. Add a little friction; you know it makes things better.

Jeremy Cherfas

Better download that then, pronto. Thanks for the tip-off.

Jeremy Cherfas

Best suggestion I can offer is to ask specific questions. There are also some superb introductions, like this one that explain the basic ideas.

Jeremy Cherfas

That reminds me, I should take a look at and see what's changed.

Jeremy Cherfas

Good going.

Jeremy Cherfas

In fact a far better answer to the question "Why do bell peppers come in different colors" is "Because plant breeders made that happen by selecting different varieties".

Jeremy Cherfas

Can't think why a respected organisation would link to this. It is wrong on so many levels. Final colour at maturity is a heritable trait. Different varieties mature to different colours.

Jeremy Cherfas

You can get good help

1 min read

I managed to fix a long-standing niggle with my practice this afternoon, thanks to some great help from cweiske and others. For the longest time Quill, a micropub client that I can use to publish here, wasn't showing me an option to syndicate directly to Twitter. That meant that I tended reply to tweets and stuff right there in the silo and not bring them back here. Fair enough, especially when a reply without context is like an egg without salt. But we figured it out, in part by that old standby of "switch it off and then switch it back on again". That got things working, and was enough of an impetus to upgrade WithKnown to the latest build. And so far, everything looks good.

Jeremy Cherfas

This is another test

Jeremy Cherfas

This is a test.

Jeremy Cherfas

Upgraded Known to latest build; everything seems to be OK but if you spot anything odd, please let me know.

Jeremy Cherfas

It is slightly odd to see the mad rush away from Facebook. Everything old is new again.

Jeremy Cherfas

With a whole two days still to run on the trial, I plunked down good money for [Tyme-app]( It is just so much better than one I was using before. Night and day.

Jeremy Cherfas

Blimey! I just started another Coursera offering this morning, and this evening I get an email imploring me to look at another 24 courses. Who do they think I am?

Jeremy Cherfas

I haven't done the Micro Monday thing before now; Mondays are often a bit busy. But today, I’m going to suggest @modernlittleme for a different perspective on life.

Jeremy Cherfas

I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that IFTTT simply isn't reliable enough to, er, rely on.

Jeremy Cherfas

I noticed the name @Jack in the credits for The Archive, and wondered: Do you (does he) use the zettelkasten method in full, or just take notes with The Archive?

Jeremy Cherfas

I thought I read that m.b re-polls feeds from time to time and picks up edits. In fact, I know it does. But what if a post on my connected site never actually made it here? Is there anything I can do to bring it in?

Jeremy Cherfas

What a ghastly afternoon. Power cut 15 minutes before I was due to record an interview with someone in New Mexico. The power came on a minute later, but the iMac was moribund. Luckily I was able to use the phone to email him, and he was cool about rescheduling. But I was stuck with a dead iMac until I thought of searching support. Turns out this was a thing, and there is a procedure, and everything is alright again. But still,

Jeremy Cherfas

Just downloaded The Archive from and rather hoping it plays nicely with nvALT and 1Writer (because I need iOS too)

Jeremy Cherfas

So disappointing that @slackhq is giving up on the gateway between Slack and IRC. I wonder why. No reason given.

Jeremy Cherfas

People of the interwebs: I know someone famous said something about a crank being a little thing that makes revolutions, but can I find it? Can I heck. If you know better -- and I know it was not Abe Lincoln -- please let me know.

Jeremy Cherfas

Giving a try. It has to be smoother than Toggl.

Jeremy Cherfas

I will never understand the special hell in which the people who do not understand Word styles must live.

Jeremy Cherfas

Twofer! Adactio's Ways and means and Tim Bray's Reviewing Ethics

2 min read

Two savvy treats on one day. Jeremy Keith takes a general look at the power of internet companies in his post on Ends and means. Tim Bray focuses specifically on the utility that is Google Maps in his post Reviewing Ethics.

Jeremy: Going back to the opening examples of online blackouts, was it morally wrong for companies to use their power to influence politics? Or would it have been morally wrong for them not to have used their influence?

Tim: Call me crazy, but I’d pass leg­is­la­tion to keep Google from do­ing what they’re do­ing. They should be able to sell space on the map­s, and they should be able to pro­vide qual­i­ty fil­ter­s, and col­lect feed­back on re­views and down­grade or up­grade them ac­cord­ing­ly. But no damn way should they own the map and the crowd­sourced value-adds on the map.

No collusion, I'm sure, just two smart people addressing their concerns about good behaviour by those who make and use the web.

Jeremy Cherfas

I may need a new work timer, having inadvertently upgraded the old version of @Toggl. The new one is silly complex.