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Jeremy Cherfas

Tried to Like this post, but neither Quill nor Omnibear seem able to do so. I wonder whether that is because there is a hashtag in the title? This post may help me find out.

Jeremy Cherfas

Leaving Trieste on a glorious day; blue skies and clear. Pity it wasn’t like this the past couple of days, but all in all it was better than expected and the city is beautiful. People said Why are you going? Because it is there. And I’m glad we did.

Jeremy Cherfas

I'd be up for an IWC in Italy.

Jeremy Cherfas

Successfully updated WithKnown to latest master with no (apparent) ill effects. Now to see whether it permits things that it previously did not.

Jeremy Cherfas

Managed to get my demo for IWC done with about 10 minutes to spare. Not unhappy. More quantified nonsense.

Jeremy Cherfas

Great session on Indie Strategy has come to a close. Much to digest.

Jeremy Cherfas

Getting ready for two days of IndieWeb in beautiful Nürnberg.

Jeremy Cherfas

Well, this is exciting, and a little bit scary. Proposal for the book of Our Daily Bread is on its way to publisher. Now to wait. Fortunately, baking with natural leavens teaches patience.

Jeremy Cherfas

Replied to a post on :

I wish I agreed that a code of conduct shouldn't be necessary, that the law and common sense should be enough to ensure good behaviour. Alas, I think the very point that common sense is uncommon, and that there's no argument against "I thought I was behaving decently" make some kind of fallback necessary. A code of conduct is not, of course, a legal agreement or contract, but the same reasoning applies: Hope for the best, but plan for the worst.

I'll be sorry not to see Christian at Nürnberg.

Jeremy Cherfas

@cn @lioncourt @vasta Should be fixed now, although the update and the fix exposed a couple of other “issues”.

Jeremy Cherfas

The release of gitsync 2.0 for Grav can't come soon enough for me.

Jeremy Cherfas

Nice post, but alas, when I liked it on my stream all it picked up was your author name as Title and the automated summary. I know it is all about the plumbing, but this is one of my chief niggles about automated syndication (by me) -- that there is so much variability in what is sent and received that it kind of makes a mockery of the process.

So I'm doing the manual thing now, to make sure this finds its way back to you, in case the other one doesn't.

Jeremy Cherfas

Gérard Rubaud has died. A great pioneer baker. Sad news.

Jeremy Cherfas

The value of charts -- podcast or otherwise -- as a measure of worth, as opposed to merely popularity, is deeply suspect. In all kinds of rankings, people like what other people like, so popular stuff becomes more popular. Which is why I am highly ambivalent any time I so much as glance at podcast charts. Either people like what I'm doing, or they don't, but asking whether they like my output more or less than someone else's is pointless. Mostly.

An unrelated mystery: why would someone who has their own domain in their own name not want that domain to be more popular by, you know, publishing on it?

Jeremy Cherfas

Thanks for the link; I would not have seen it otherwise. I hope you saw David Runciman's review of *Fear* in the LRB.

Jeremy Cherfas

So hard to decide on someone for micro.monday -- so with no further justification, I suggest @grayareas

Jeremy Cherfas

Anyone using through Launch Center Pro? I can generate a post. Wondering how to just open the app, if possible.

Jeremy Cherfas

I really need to automate my little script that fetches things I've saved to, because when I do it by hand it just shoves a giant indigestible bolus into the timeline. That might mean automating MAMP too.

Jeremy Cherfas

Thanks Aaron for your mention of my wheat and bread podcasts. You raise an interesting question about aboriginal bread in Australia. I've listened to a podcast with Bruce Pascoe and read a general piece that was awfully muddled, but I have not read his book. I have no reason not to take his claims at face value, although I also think that the freight he is adding to those claims owes as much to the general status and recent past history of aboriginal people in Australia as it does to archaeology. I will certainly be including something in the book I am working on.

Jeremy Cherfas

Chris Aldrich's discussion of the rewarding discovery that a friend has read something that you are reading, before you see it in their feed, is spot on. It is fun. And it reminds me of two things. The most important is that I really need to get to grips with my tags, both in Zettelkasten and, perhaps even more importantly, in Pinboard.

The whole business of bookmarking, storing copies, highlighting and annotating remains a source of confusion for me. There are just too many moving parts. I quite like Chris' suggestion of making it a topic at a future IndieWeb Camp. I've got two projects on the go, either of which could be my thing in Nürnberg in a couple of weeks.

Jeremy Cherfas

I've been a fan of Phil Gyford's since he made his own redesign of the Guardian's site. The Directory would probably be a good starting point for a good estimation of linkrot over a decade or more.

Jeremy Cherfas

I could extract quote after quote from Colin Tudge's latest essay on agriculture, at but it would undermine the whole, just as a steak undermines a whole cow or an organic loaf of bread undermines the fertility-building beans needed to produce it. Just go read.

Jeremy Cherfas

It's a great story. He told me how the UK started a trade war with France, which promptly shipped the good wines through Ireland. The Irish helped create the great wines of France.

Jeremy Cherfas

Have you taken a look at There are people doing lots more than hinting.

Jeremy Cherfas

Define "significant". Many, many people are very happily using microformats to interact with one another. is built on microformats. Not enough for you?

Jeremy Cherfas

While he was worrying like a terrier at the word "content" I believe John Philpin wasn't giving "own" quite the same third-degree. If, as some say, possession is nine-tenths of the law, then all those various places where he stores his stuff, even temporarily, could be said in some sense to own it. I quite like that thing you see inside books, that "The Author asserts their moral rights ..." There's nothing to stop you stealing it (well, aside from the law, in some cases, for people with deep pockets) but at least you know it would be immoral to do so.

Jeremy Cherfas

Tomorrow is apparently International Podcast Day. Naturally, I am spending today editing a podcast that will go out on Monday.

Jeremy Cherfas

I see that there is a service that offers to back up a journalist's pieces "independent from any publisher and ready to stay with you for your entire career" Would people really rather pay for that than a site of their own?

Jeremy Cherfas

Another reason to love RSS (or feeds in general). Actually, the same reason. After about four years of inactivity, a site I like springs back to life and I don't need to do anything to find out.

Jeremy Cherfas

Didn’t Jesus say “no guacamole for immigrant haters”? I don't think he did, but maybe he should have.

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas


1 min read

Having a diagram doesn't make it clearer, making it clearer makes it clearer.

Words to live by from a how-to-do-slides post that didn't contain a lot new for me. Except for the bit about showing websites.

Jeremy Cherfas

Can I blame flying on Sunday morning for the raging sore throat I developed yesterday evening?

Jeremy Cherfas

So Flattr is now offering a way to reward podcasters. I dunno; seems to me like too little too late. I used to be a huge fan of Flattr, but its pivot put me off in a big way.

Jeremy Cherfas

Going back to Firefox to see whether the new Omnibear works as well as I hope (and because Chrome really no longer suits my paranoia.

Jeremy Cherfas

The one thing worse than no hotel WiFi is flaky hotel WiFi. Just as you think you might be able to get something useful done, BAM!, it pulls the rug out from under you.

Jeremy Cherfas

Had an amazing nine-course tasting menu last night at The Edinburgh Food Studio. Photos would have ruined the experience. From the single radish to begin to the dram of Old Perth 1996 to finish it was a delight for eyes, nose and mouth. Superb all round.

Jeremy Cherfas

The lack of threading at saves me a lot of time in the morning. Time that I then spend going to my site to write this because posting on iOS is broken for me and the error message offers not even the slightest clue.

Jeremy Cherfas

Next stop, Edinburgh 🛫🎧

Jeremy Cherfas

I wonder how easy it is to count the corpses of yeast and lactobacillus cells in a baked loaf?

Jeremy Cherfas

Is there any way to get more helpful diagnostic information out of iOS app when it fails to post? Error Sending Post doesn't help much.

Also, why don’t @mentions from the OSX app give clickable links?

Jeremy Cherfas

I was going to recommend @lioncourt for Micro Monday, but I’m making a last minute switch to @belle for her open explanation of an accident that could have happened to any of us.

Well, not me, because I'm not a developer, but, you know.

Jeremy Cherfas


1 min read

In the latest Daskeyboard metahacks, there's a certain irony to the juxtaposition of item 5 -- “The difference between a Miracle and a Fact is exactly the difference between a mermaid and a seal.” – Mark Twain -- and item 2 -- "Giant container ships are just as responsible for pollution as cars". How hard would it have been to check? For example, BBC Radio 4's More or Less.

Jeremy Cherfas

Listened to the first episode of Bundyville, because it was on 99PI. Instant subscribe. Very fine narrative podcast about an important subject.

Jeremy Cherfas

Twitter weirdness. Ability to follow links seems to have changed. In Safari, with mu-block, I can click on a link shared directly by someone, but not on a link in a retweet. Is this a change in behaviour, or something I simply never noticed before? Or both.

Jeremy Cherfas

Far and away the weirdest nagware I've ever seen. A website distributing PDFs of academic papers requires me to wait 120 seconds until I can download, but the clock ticks only while I am on that site. I can't go and do anything else. Of course, I can also "donate".

Jeremy Cherfas

Terrific. FB Just banned a friend's link to my latest podcast episode (Brown v. White; Our Daily Bread 23). Twice, for reasons unspoken that I can only imagine. They did not ban my link to the same post.

Jeremy Cherfas

Managed to find some time to join [virtual Homebrew Website Club]( today. If you're interested in and have a moment, come and join us.

Jeremy Cherfas

After enjoying a lovely day off yesterday, I've been paying for it today. Haven’t been away from the desk for more than about half an hour at a time. Mind you, most of that was to make a bread, and now that I’m done, I think I’ll go for a walk while the microbes do their thing.

Jeremy Cherfas

How I wish Prince had written a song called Purple Grain.