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Jeremy Cherfas


Stupid 162 1/0/2

Another easy one

Jeremy Cherfas


Stupid 161 1/0/2

Nice an' easy

Jeremy Cherfas


Stupid 160 1/0/2

Not too hard

Jeremy Cherfas

Very disappointed that Lets Liberate Diversity @eclld does not offer any kind of feed from its website. I would much rather follow a feed than any other way.

Jeremy Cherfas


Stupid 159 2/1/2

Pure luck

Jeremy Cherfas


Stupid 158 2/1/2

Twice is coincidence ...

Jeremy Cherfas


Stupid 157 2/2/2

Another bad guess.

Jeremy Cherfas


Stupid 156 2/2/2

Bah! Rubbish performance today.

Jeremy Cherfas

Now for the third time, after checking out the dev branch, upgrading to PHP 8.1 and running composer.phar update, let us see whether we can post a new status update here.

Jeremy Cherfas


Stupid 155 1/1/2

OK, this is weird, but I find it hard to believe that yesterday's word and today's came up purely randomly.

Jeremy Cherfas

I try to make my site look good on mobile, but that isnโ€™t my primary concern. Not too difficult with so many good responsive basic packages available.

Jeremy Cherfas


Stupid 154 2/1/2

Nearly missed this one.

Jeremy Cherfas


Stupid 147 2/2/2

Tricky one, and also, entirely remote.

Jeremy Cherfas

It truly is like magic being able to use my desktop computer from far away, and will be even better when I can work out how to summon Alfred. I use option-space on the Mac and cannot for the life of me work out how to send that from my iPad. Do you know?

Jeremy Cherfas


Stupid 146 1/0/2

Jeremy Cherfas


Stupid 145 1/0/2

Very appropriate.

Jeremy Cherfas


Stupid 144 1/0/2

Jeremy Cherfas


Stupid 143 2/0/2

But I think it needs a hyphen.

Jeremy Cherfas

Is it really possible that in 2022 one cannot search iCloud drive for a filename that contains, rather than starts with, a target? And that one cannot save a search? This is awful. Someone, enlighten me, please.

Jeremy Cherfas


Stupid 141 1/0/2

A lucky 5:1 shot on the final letter, not including parts of speech.

Jeremy Cherfas


Stupid 140 2/2/2

Bah! Parts of speech.

Jeremy Cherfas


Stupid 139 2/1/2

My linguistic prejudices and blinkered attitude let me down.

Jeremy Cherfas

Ag Economists: would anyone be willing to either talk to me or point me to something that would help me to get a better understanding of this chart from USDA?

Jeremy Cherfas


Stupid 138 2/1/2

Very difficult one; pure guesswork that failed.

Jeremy Cherfas


Stupid 137 1/0/2

Skipped yesterday because it revealed a flaw in my logic, now corrected.

Jeremy Cherfas


Stupid 135 1/1/2

Jeremy Cherfas


Stupid 133 1/1/2

This one involved some very lucky guesses, given that there were scores of words it could have been.

Jeremy Cherfas


Stupid 132 1/0/2

Jeremy Cherfas


Stupid 131 1/1/2 having fun in the wake of Wordle's recent attack of the Bowdlers.

Jeremy Cherfas

Very puzzled. My helper suggested only one possibility, and that wasn't it. Solved it without help, but ... whaddayaknow? The actual target word is not in the list. Salutary.


Stupid 130 1/1/2

Jeremy Cherfas


Stupid 129 1/2/2

This one required a bit of thought.

Jeremy Cherfas


Stupid 128 1/1/2

We've got this, me and my helper.

Jeremy Cherfas


Stupid 125 1/0/2

Long enough not to need dumb luck.

Jeremy Cherfas


Stupid 123 2/2/2

Nothing to brag about.

Jeremy Cherfas

Replied to a post on :

โ€œhaving the resources to fact-check comes from a position of privilegeโ€ Huh? I suppose if you want someone else to check your facts that might be true, but still, why is anyone listening to this person?

Jeremy Cherfas

Replied to a post on :

To my knowledge this is the first time I've been mentioned over at Mastodon, so it seems only right and proper to see whether the wonders of IndieWeb allow me to reply there. Good to see old online friends but not sure I can handle another channel.

Jeremy Cherfas


Stupid 121 2/2/2

My word was a real word, but it wasn't THE real word. Which is ... frustrating.

Jeremy Cherfas


Stupid 120 1/1/2

Back on form!

Jeremy Cherfas

Huh? is now a sign-in for Mastodon. Not going to happen, for me at least.

Jeremy Cherfas

Today's IndieWebRing excursion took me to and prompts the question, what really attracts people make of Disneyland? Maybe I'm too old, but even in my thirties, when I visited Florida's for work, I was underwhelmed by it all, especially EPCOT. It just seems so ersatz.

Jeremy Cherfas


Stupid 118 2/2/2

I donโ€™t get it. I was about to insert my guess, which involved a different letter in first position, but the field was already filled with a wrong answer.

Is it limited to three guesses? And why was the field filled in?

Jeremy Cherfas

As I continue reading and sometimes re-posting things written on this day, I've decided to do one more thing at the end of a session: go to a random site in the IndieWeb WebRing. Today, I found something that resonates down the years: how to organise the content of a weblog.

Jeremy Cherfas

Having moved my Dropbox folder to an external disk in an effort to reclaim space internally, I then discovered the value of an actual symlink, which means I don't have to rewrite anything. This is a good thing.

Jeremy Cherfas

The fight for โ€œpostโ€ rather than โ€œblogโ€ is lost in many quarters, but the fight for โ€œblogโ€ itself is lost when none other than John Naughton can calmly point to a Substack newsletter with โ€œHeather Cox Richardson had a memorable post on her blog:"

Jeremy Cherfas

The latest issue of Eat This Newsletter just went winging its way to all the subscribers, who will be seeing what I make of raw material from @bearistotle, @battlesuperbugs and @whetstoneradio, among others. You can read it too, at

Jeremy Cherfas

The joy of correcting a human-powered transcription. When the transcriber hears

โ€œUrsula Le Guinโ€™s Earthsea trilogyโ€ as

โ€œthe Gordon's Eyes Trilogyโ€

Jeremy Cherfas

Replied to a post on :

This is some of the most exciting news I have read in a long time. I hope Ben does find time to rebuild Known and would be willing to lend whatever support I can. โ€œAnother stable releaseโ€ would be a wonderful start and would please lots of people.

Jeremy Cherfas

A very warm welcome to the [redacted] new podcast subscribers who joined via Google Podcasts this past month.

You know where to find me.

Jeremy Cherfas


1 min read

I find it strange, and deeply ironic, that a year on, an otherwise fine article still boasts an obviously doctored photograph of NI Vavilov. Seriously, who thought that was a good idea? See Nikolai Vavilov as he never was: A true scientist does not deserve a fake photo.

Jeremy Cherfas

I hadn't realised one of the bloggers I used to follow had suddenly died a while ago (because I stopped following him). Today, though, I was reminded of something he wrote not 6 but 16 years ago that is remarkably prescient. RIP @LanceMannion