A space for mostly short form stuff and responses to things I see elsewhere.
Yes: Can't stay to the end, and looking forward to it.
Maybe: It all depends on dinner.
Yes: Looking forward to a Homebrew Website Club that doesn't interfere with my evenings.
Yes: Nighttime in Australia is the right time for me in Europe.
Maybe: Not a great time for me, but I will try.
Yes: Wish I could be at IWC Dusseldorf in person, but remote will have to do.
No: I don't believe it. The first HWC I could possibly attend (online) and I have a prior engagement that I cannot change (like the guy who could afford to go into space).
Yes: First time joining Nottingham, but the time is right and it will be fun to meet new people.
Yes: Belated RSVP
Maybe: I'd like to find some time, but it just might not be possible.
Yes: I just registered for Indie Web Camp Brighton 2019 https://ti.to/adactio/indie-webcamp-brighton-2019 #IndieWeb
Yes: It has been a while ...
Maybe: Definitely hoping to attend.
Yes: All being well, I will connect.