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Jeremy Cherfas

What Web Page Structure Reveals on News Quality – Monday Note. Sobering thoughts

This is part of an ongoing project, trying to determine algorithmically what constitutes a reliable piece of news online. Good luck with that, although I suspect it will have no impact on people who have no desire to judge accuracy in the first place.

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Matt Mullenweg talking to James Altucher kinda sorta gets #indieweb

Not going to listen to the podcast; life is way too short for that. But a couple of quotes from My WordPress:

> “We’re trying to revitalize the independent web,” Matt Mullenweg said. He’s 33 now. “It’s not like these big sites are going anywhere. They’re fantastic. I use all of them, but you want balance. You need your own site that belongs to you… like your own home on the Internet.”

So, how about total indiewebness in the basic WordPress core and default theme?

> “Other sites provide space,” he said. “They provide distribution in exchange for owning all of your stuff. You can’t leave Facebook or Twitter and take all of your followers with you.”

> That’s why he recommends having your own website. It’s yours. Not Facebook’s. Not Business Insider’s or Huffington Post’s. It’s yours.

But no mention of which comes first? Does it even matter?

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Agriculture in Africa–Telling Myths from Facts. Kudos to @mfbellemare and his coeditor and contributors.

Facts about African agriculture. Kudos to @mfbellemare and his coeditor and contributors.

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

I invented the web. Here are three things we need to change to save it

> I may have invented the web, but all of you have helped to create what it is today. All the blogs, posts, tweets, photos, videos, applications, web pages and more represent the contributions of millions of you around the world building our online community.

Tim Berners Lee

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Cuisine and Empire, by Rachel Laudan reviewed by @jonathanpkatz at Flavors of Diaspora

Don't disagree with anything he says, and had not myself fully appreciated that there could have been more on sub-Saharan Africa. No doubt someone is already working on that.

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Gorging on the social internet | Jeremy Cherfas

Testing web mention plugin at Grav.

I really love this page, because I wrote it. But I am also out of my depth. Way out.

But I need some data to play with, that's for sure.

Jeremy Cherfas

The Rory Stewart (or his editors @LRB) should know better.

Rory Stewart reviews ‘Aleppo Observed’ by Maurits H. van den Boogert · LRB 16 February 2017

Behind a paywall, alas, but trust me, this is a cut-and-paste quotation:

> And although van den Boogert is more disparaging of the Russells’ ichthyology – ‘based almost exclusively on what they were served at the consular table, and possibly what they observed in the stalls of the fish market’ – he cannot fail to be impressed by their catalogue of more than seven hundred Syrian plants, two of which, a sage and a milk-vetch, are now named the Phlomis Russeliana and the Astragalus

Which just goes to show. You can walk across Afghanistan, be UK Minister of State for International Development, wear your extensive learning as lightly as you please and still screw up scientific names.

[Scientific names are strong proper names](, which take no *the*.

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

The nonsense of 'knowledge management'

From the abstract:

> Examines critically the origins and basis of 'knowledge management', its components and its development as a field of consultancy practice. Problems in the distinction between 'knowledge' and 'information' are explored, as well as Polanyi's concept of 'tacit knowing'. The concept is examined in the journal literature, the Web sites of consultancy companies, and in the presentation of business schools. The conclusion is reached that 'knowledge management' is an umbrella term for a variety of organizational activities, none of which are concerned with the management of knowledge. Those activities that are not concerned with the management of information are concerned with the management of work practices, in the expectation that changes in such areas as communication practice will enable information sharing.

Going through some very old blog posts, glad to discover this page is still alive.

Jeremy Cherfas

Latin name or scientific name, where do you stand? Either one is fine for me - just use it

AoBBlog asks the crucial questions: "what to call scientific binomials". Seems like they've come down in favour of "scientific name" rather than "Latin name". I'm fine with that, as long as people at least try to provide that name, rather than so-called "common" names. I've [ranted about that before](, and doubtless will again. All we have to do now is to teach the world that scientific names are [strong proper names](

Jeremy Cherfas

How is a cinematographer like a megachiropteran? Genius word mangling

I didn't understand all of this, but I can celebrate the conclusion.

Via Trivium

Jeremy Cherfas

The Online Photographer: The Trough of No Value

> People sometimes ask me what the best method of preserving their pictures is, and my somewhat flip but I believe trenchant answer is, "be famous."

The idea that things are worthless or, worse, actually cost money to hang onto, means things that might be of value some day get discarded. Mike says craftsmanship will also help preserve things, including photographs, but the other thing you need is space, and preferably a permanent home.

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

@kitchenBee on the dangers of demonising whole food groups while fetishing others

It makes me sad to think that so many of us come to see this kind of food paradise as something threatening, full of foods we mustn’t eat and joys to be avoided.

Me too

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

How mammoth cloning became fake news

Good piece pointing out that science writers are not doing the job some people think they ought to be doing. But maybe they're doing precisely the job their editors want them to do? This is nothing new, but it is good to be reminded from time to time. Does anyone upbraid movie critics for parroting a studio's hype?

Jeremy Cherfas

Neanderthal Diets | Eat This Podcast

Nice to see older episodes still being found and still being appreciated. Chris is right, I should do more like this. And I wonder whether there will be an uptick in the downloads.e

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Southern dairy factories polluting milk and cheese -- because they can?

OK, so only in Italian Insider, but who knows what goes undetected.

Jeremy Cherfas