Very interesting and thoughtful read. How one sanctimonious ex-MP turned "a stereotypically diffident Englishman who hates getting in other people’s way and making an exhibition of myself" into a potentional eco-anarchist, although he also very sensibly denies that label, it being utter tosh.
@rdwrt Not really, because it is an unconference. The sessions on the first day are offered by the people who are there and adjusted to suit people, and the second day is a hack day devoted to IndieWeb projects. Some more details at
Because an article on Medium is obviously a lot more long-lived and citable than a Twitter thread, right?
Luckily, someone else is taking care of keeping it available.
Which is why I support The Internet Archive and not Medium.
Very hard to believe that Tanner Campbell chose to put his very IndieWeb idea about podcasting on Medium rather than on his own domain. Of course, the idea will never work because the big players don't need it and the small ones won't hurt anyone by witholding their labour.
I don't know what Coachella is (well, not directly) but I do know that Hearsay is the business.
A particularly interesting take on a topic that most people have mostly reacted to with horror or naivete.
@sugartraffic So true. Also gives me an opportunity to plug my post, compiled with help from people like you who are so much more experienced in these things than I am.
Fastmail users: Is it possibly to delete the attachments from a batch of emails either as a batch or with a script of some sort?
I do not want to delete the emails, only the attachments.
1 min read
'Debatable' List Of '100 Most Jewish' Foods Leaves Plenty Of Room For Kibbitzing in The Salt is an interesting review. Makes me want to read the book. Also makes me want to promote today's episode about one Jewish food and one arguably Christian food. Coming in a couple of hours.
1 min read
People in NYC probably already know of this astonishing resource but in case you don't, or are just visiting, you should.
Great, great man and a terrific teacher. Why he didn't get the Nobel for triplets and mRNA will be a mystery forever.
Alas, the link to the "really powerful tools" for automation goes nowhere. Or rather, it returns me to the page it is on. @justinmduke
"it works with multiple folders and sub-folders"
This could be a game changer.
So good to be back home after a week away. I mean, I had a great time and all, but home is best.
@lindanewbery The single best reason to eat meat is that as part of a balanced agricultural system animals turn things we can't eat, like grass, into things we can eat. No need for intensive rearing at all, and we get to eat what they are now being fed.
@GastroHistory Whatever next? A law to stop cultured animal cells from being called meat?
No, wait ...