TIL about Chewbacca Mask Lady, in the context of a New Yorker article about the measles outbreaks. Life is interesting.
Grabbing a coffee after a cultural quickie™ at SS. Quattro Coronati.
Brexit means Brexit — that is one of the dumbest statements that has ever been uttered by a head of state. And I’m aware that there are thousands of tweets one could compare it with. I mean, it’s simultaneously meaningless and wrong.”
I've just had occasion to remember what a great thing PopClip https://pilotmoon.com/popclip/ is. If I could trigger when I have selected text from the keyboard I would be deliriously happy.
OH as two young American women look at travel brochures: I’ll do Africa some other time.
I don’t agree with Roger Scruton on much, but I do agree with him that limiting social dance to clubs and EDM festivals where everyone is drunk or high is not good for us. Scruton’s solution is to yearn for the glory days of eighteenth century Europe. My solution is to look to our friends from the African diaspora, whose social norms around music and dance are very different from those of white people, and in a lot of ways, more grown up.
Very well said; one the other hand, there is always Irish, Scottish and English "folk dancing" and its many derivatives, which are so much fun and which I could do, more and more often.
Extreme Economies by Richard Davies, as reviewed by Diane Coyle, does sound like a book I would enjoy reading.
Just been through the annual ritual of replacing the batteries in my Garmin Vivofit, which is nice, but didn't do anything for the broken display segment. Still, I can live with it.
via gwern.net
[W]hat could be more noble than using one character flaw to offset the bad effects of another?
@noffle I know absolutely nothing about server admin but I am very happy using bits of indieweb. There is also micro.blog which is even more accessible than WithKnown.
I do fear that "episode" is going the way of "blog post," a battle long since lost.
When it comes to mushrooms, always best to be absolutely sure they are edible rather than fairly sure they aren't. But you did miss a treat.
Frankly, if I wanted to read a detailed report on the work you did in the past week, I’d become your boss.
Via Phil Gyford
Its bad enough feeling bad about monthly round-ups. I'm not going to foist weeknotes on myself or anyone else. But this is a good reminder.
in 2019 the web is less about documents and more for restaurants
This, from one who knows.
Just confirmed that my little script for posting podcasts I've listened to from Overcast to WithKnown fails when there is more than one episode of the same show in the queue. Pinning that down is going to be ... tricky.
I have not exactly solved the problem, but I can say that posting a bookmark from Omnibear, using the Firefox extension, does work. That is, the description is received and used by Known.
@AgroBioDiverse So true. Feeds make it so much easier for people to keep up with websites of interest. Case in point: one of my favourite backgarden plant breeders sprang back to life after a gap of 8 years, and I was immediately informed. https://daughterofthesoil.blogspot.com/
So glad to see this site spring back to life, and this post is a great example of how anecdote can illuminate data.
"States with more permissive gun laws and greater gun ownership had higher rates of mass shootings, and a growing divide appears to be emerging between restrictive and permissive states."