Second order of business: revive the starter and bake good bread.
pesosArgh! @help I accidentally downloaded the latest for OSX but cannot use it because I am stuck on 10.13 and I can't find the old version in the Trash. Is there any way to download a previous version compatible with 10.13?
Can I get an Amen?
Peter Rukavina is working on changing his life by doing eight critical things each day. I reckon that's too many. If I get three done, I count that as a win. Maybe I need to trim my idea what constitutes a thing.
Wouldn't it be nice if Twitter et al. somehow indicated that a link shared by some well-meaning influencer was behind a paywall. It would save me a lot of clicks.
Eat This Newsletter 157 is now online with stories from @SejalSukhadwala @SarahTaber_bww @IrishSeedSavers @UniofExeter and others.
Read it at and while you're there, consider subscribing.
@b_pritchard Absolutely appalling. Whatever happened to the nationalist promise of being better able to feed its citizens? There can be no excuse for an increase in stunting these days.
Not clear whether plastic raptor spinning in the breeze is purely decorative or also keeps pigeons off the balcony.
pesos@BBCFoodProg Given that more than 50% of food consumed in the UK is imported (more for fruit and veg), have any of the medical associations said anything public about UK food policy over the next few years? Should medical students be visiting Australia, not Oxfordshire?
Latest Eat This Newsletter is at with links to good stuff from @serbiaireland, @JaysonLusk, @colin_tudge, @NatureFoodJnl and, most horrifying,
As I said in the newsletter: read it and weep.
I like the idea of a dappled woodland glade, the product of pig rootling, being neither light nor shade, and an apt metaphor for think beyond simplistic dualities.
Every time I read pieces about banking from people who have experienced banking systems outside the US, I marvel that they put up with it at all. I'm constantly amazed at just how easy things are with the online banks I use in Europe. No wonder I'm not tempted by crypto,
@herdyshepherd1 The pain for British farmers is real. However, outsourcing British food production to the rest of the world is nothing new. The deal is a return to the good old days of Empire, just like, er, Brexit.
Australian journo swaps one set of fibs for another.
"British forests were first subjected to clearing with the Roman conquest of AD 43." Really?
A pox on both their houses.
This morning’s glory. Showed up out of nowhere last year and seems to breed true. At least the one plant that has flowered so far.
pesosWhat a terrific essay from George Orwell, which goes well beyond this choice jumping-off point:
"[T]he toad, unlike the skylark and the primrose, has never had much of a boost from poets."
I don't doubt that medical software is bad and that doctors have good cause to complain. But in a fight to the death, I suspect software for human resources or for teachers might be even worse.
Excellent Conversations with Tyler episode talking to David Deutsch (apart from the whole multiverse thing about which I am not competent to judge, and nor do I care).
Made a start on the annual tweakage of the automatic watering system for the terrace, but the main enemy remains lack of pressure. It fluctuates through the day so need to try and find the maximum.
The fact that these cult-members were willing to risk their lives, but not endure poor web design, says a lot about the nature of the Trump cult, and its relationship to passive media.