Last night’s pork chops.
pesosThere's just one problem with blaming Monsanto for "the public's distrust of GMOs" and that is that the majority of the public, at least in the US, do not distrust GMOs but willingly eat it at every opportunity. For those that do mistrust GMOs, yes, I too would blame Monsanto.
OK, I've had time to think about this and to do something, and I guess there's even a chance it could catch on, if @arush and @ladyhope are agreeable.
Excellent, thought-provoking read on the fall and rise of local food traditions.
More here than I remember, and my copy of Sahlins is long gone, but it would be good revisit, as Chris has.
Yesterday’s walk from Islington to Limehouse along the Regent’s Canal. I can think of worse places to live in London.
pesosStruck on my morning walk by this tiny unmoved strip in Whitehall Gardens. I haven’t been here for ages, so I don’t know the general policy, but do London parks go in for reduced mowing and managed wilding at all?
pesosStruck on my morning walk by this tiny unmoved strip in Whitehall Gardens. I haven’t been here for ages, so I don’t know the general policy, but do London parks go in for reduced mowing and managed wilding at all?
pesosLooking at an old post of mine from this day in 2007 and wondering, does anyone, anywhere, host a blog carnival on any topic these days? Time for a revival?
Huge credit to @theMaggieAyre for a wonderful edition of BBC Soul Music on The Parting Glass. Moving stories and beautifully mixed. A real treat.
No favourites from Marion Nestle: Unethical food marketing ad of the week: infant formula, organic no less.
What if you don’t realise which genre you’re actually in and you’ve been doing everything wrong all this time?
Nicely put!
When the recipe is behind a particularly obnoxious paywall, all you can do with the inspiration is wing it and hope for the best. Still, what could possible go wrong? Too much fruit is not a mistake.
pesosI fully confess that from my position of inherent privilege, I had never considered the negative connotations of Anthropocene, despite often using "not ALL men" myself. So, can I train myself to use Entropocene instead? Maybe
Funny. I read Peter's post today and was so taken with it that I immediately started the process myself, before reading this post and seeing that Ton had inspired Peter.
Like the year, what goes around, comes around.
No: I don't believe it. The first HWC I could possibly attend (online) and I have a prior engagement that I cannot change (like the guy who could afford to go into space).
Getting a teeny bit peeved with apps that require OSX 10.14 and later. Not all of us can afford (or want) to upgrade our machines that often.
I can’t remember exactly when we planted this grapevine, but this is the first year it has borne grapes, and the are exquisite.
pesosThanks to my very smart friend @ruthraymond, I give you the lime Tom Collins. She didn’t know how to fix my barely set lime jelly, but she came up with a brilliant way to use it. Cheers. 🍸
pesosThis tiny sprout on the orchid restored with the advice of @orchidwhisperer19 is giving me joy. I don’t think it is a flower spike, more likely a new shoot.