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Jeremy Cherfas

The global trade resource is almost as fascinating as the changing global diets website, with one huge proviso. The arrows go, roughly, from the centre of the exporting country to the centre of the importing country. That is, it completely ignores the reality of containerisation, which has had such a massive impact on food systems and much else besides. There's a new podcast series about it, called Containers, by Alexis Madrigal.

Jeremy Cherfas

Hot Pod: The Podcast Consumer Study, DeRay Mckesson and Crooked Media, Taxonomy of News Podcasts

> There’s probably a piece to be written someday that digs deep into the way liberal podcasts tends to pair well with the open podcast ecosystem and the way conservative podcasts pairs with over-the-top premium subscription models (see also: Glenn Beck and his activities with The Blaze), but this is not that day.

Jeremy Cherfas

Lookout world food. @ColinKhoury talking about website on the podcast tomorrow.

Jeremy Cherfas

Achievement unlocked (thanks to huge help from the community) -- now receiving webmentions at Eat This Podcast. But lots still to be done.

Jeremy Cherfas

Another dead mic for @bartona104

Jeremy Cherfas

Matt Mullenweg talking to James Altucher kinda sorta gets #indieweb

Not going to listen to the podcast; life is way too short for that. But a couple of quotes from My WordPress:

> “We’re trying to revitalize the independent web,” Matt Mullenweg said. He’s 33 now. “It’s not like these big sites are going anywhere. They’re fantastic. I use all of them, but you want balance. You need your own site that belongs to you… like your own home on the Internet.”

So, how about total indiewebness in the basic WordPress core and default theme?

> “Other sites provide space,” he said. “They provide distribution in exchange for owning all of your stuff. You can’t leave Facebook or Twitter and take all of your followers with you.”

> That’s why he recommends having your own website. It’s yours. Not Facebook’s. Not Business Insider’s or Huffington Post’s. It’s yours.

But no mention of which comes first? Does it even matter?

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

This is a perfect use of, to listen to audio with a specific tag where I might not want to subscribe to a that only occasionally deals with that topic.

Jeremy Cherfas

And I say podcast discovery IS broken,

2 min read

Nick Quah's Hot Pod newsletter is a lode from which I occasionally extract a nugget. [Today](, in the wake of the latest Edison Report on podcast listening (in the US) he quotes a bloke from Audible who says:

> To me, the fact that 40% of US adults have tried podcasting, yet only half of them listen regularly, that's astounding. Show me any other medium that has that gap. None. When people sample and don't habituate, it speaks to interest that isn't being met by the content that's available today. There either isn't enough variety of things for people to listen to —or there isn't enough of what they like to meet their appetite. With 350,000 podcasts, that seems like a strange thing to say, but the simple truth is that potential listeners aren't sticking with it — and there are only two potential reasons: not enough good stuff — or they simply can't find it. Solving this could go as far as doubling the audience for podcasting.

I wonder why "Eric Nuzum, Audible’s SVP of Original Content," even bothers to raise the straw man of not enough content. And why he does not raise the question that discovery and subscription are two sides of the same coin. Right now, neither discovery nor subscription is easy.

Nick Quah himself doesn't think discovery is a problem, and that's a problem for me. He says:

> It has always occurred to me that discovery functions in the podcasting space along the same dynamics as the rest of the internet; there is simply so much stuff out there, and so the problem isn’t the discovering an experience in and of itself — it’s discovering a worthwhile or meaningful experience within a universe of deeply suboptimal experiences.

But to me that seems to miss the essential difference between audio and the other things on the internet.

It is hard to get audio at a glance. And the solution is not to make ever shorter bits of attention-grabbing audio. It is to find other ways to recommend and share audio in ways that make it easy to hear a piece, to sample a show and eventually, maybe, to subscribe.

Jeremy Cherfas

My contribution to is @criminalshow and if the whole podcast thing is new to you, they have a handy dandy guide to how to listen

Jeremy Cherfas

I'm totally in shock of the nicest kind after reading what @chrisaldrich had to say about Eat This Podcast.

Jeremy Cherfas

A podcast about the Indieweb

2 min read

Further to my note about a new about things, I listened to Marty McGuire's rendering of This Week in the Indieweb. I really enjoyed it, even though I had read the text version. Production and audio were top notch, and it was very clear. My only quibbles concern the pace and the audience.

Even as a native English speaker, and despite Marty's very clear diction, it seemed a bit speedy to me. I wonder whether less fluent listeners manage to get it all.

A second, similar point, about the audience. In my estimate, as a newcomer to indieweb and a less than expert person, some of the stuff whizzed right by me. But if I were familiar with it all, I'd probably be keeping up with the IRC channels and the pages and so I'm not too sure why I'd need an audio version. But that's just a matter of choice.

The slightly bigger question is, would there be an audience for a more discursive podcast about the indieweb? Marty would be in favour. So would Chris Aldrich, who started this ball rolling for me. There's a fair bit of audio tagged indieweb at huff duffer, but nothing, apparently, dedicated to the topic.

We certainly have the technology to produce something that captures the history, what's happening now and how things might develop. There's no way I could do that on my own -- not least because I don't know enough to ask intelligent questions -- but with a co-host or two it would be a really interesting project.

Jeremy Cherfas

Ooh. A new podcast to listen to, which also fits with my growing enthusiasm for . And wouldn't it be fun, as @chrisalrich almost suggests, to make a podcast about indieweb. If there's space ...

Jeremy Cherfas

Neanderthal Diets | Eat This Podcast

Nice to see older episodes still being found and still being appreciated. Chris is right, I should do more like this. And I wonder whether there will be an uptick in the downloads.e