I do still prefer folding my T-shirts the way Marie Kondo suggests.
PESOS from Reading.am.
PESOS from Reading.am.
PESOS from Reading.am.
PESOS from Reading.am.
PESOS from Reading.am.
Just as desktop publishing didn't turn everyone into even a half-decent designer, so the democratisation of "radio" doesn't turn everyone into even a half-decent producer.
PESOS from Reading.am.
Illuminating anecdote from WW2.
PESOS from Reading.am.
What hapÂpened was, I was walkÂing through a train staÂtion on the way to work with the buds playÂing ranÂdomÂly on shufÂfle and a knifeblade of Real MuÂsic came in from outÂside so I had to pull them out of my ears, there was this young dude getÂting great elecÂtric sound out of a teeÂny amp doÂing a slow take on LitÂtle Wing with a reÂalÂly good voice: When I’m sad, she comes to me… plenÂty room beÂtween the notes and lots of soul in them. He looked a litÂtle hard-pressed; I put my hand in my pockÂet for some coin but there was no coin there beÂcause I live on plasÂtic these days and that busker went unÂpaid that mornÂing. Another reaÂson for a thing I’m thinkÂing of: GoÂing back to cash.
PESOS from Reading.am.
PESOS from Reading.am.
PESOS from Reading.am.
PESOS from Reading.am.
PESOS from Reading.am.
PESOS from Reading.am.