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Jeremy Cherfas"/>

A space for mostly short form stuff and responses to things I see elsewhere.




Jeremy Cherfas

Tried to Like this post, but neither Quill nor Omnibear seem able to do so. I wonder whether that is because there is a hashtag in the title? This post may help me find out.

Jeremy Cherfas

Using [Quill]( gives me the option to create a new post as a reply. Again, my useless brain cannot remember whether Quill speaks Markdown. And currently, the bookmark opens in the same window, which means I have to remember to copy the URL I want to reply to.

Seconds later: ... Nope, Quill does not speak Markdown.

Jeremy Cherfas

This is the content of a regular note from quill

Jeremy Cherfas

Testing syndication from Quill<p> </p>

Jeremy Cherfas

Having switched Quill's endpoint to my new instance of WithKnown, I thought it only right and proper that my first post there be my first post from Quill.<p> </p>