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Jeremy Cherfas

A bookmark with a fixed number of sticky tags on it is a brilliant idea. No more tags? Stop reading and write notes on the things you tagged.

Jeremy Cherfas

@ECLLD Very happy to see my dreams come true. I don't understand why my reader failed to pick up the feed automatically, but I have now added it and will look forward to seeing updates as they happen.

Jeremy Cherfas

“Republicans are now preparing a Fascist coup while Democrats wring their hands and dither.”

It is a worry, to be sure.

Jeremy Cherfas

@neilbuttery Agreed, blackcurrant leaf tea is delicious. Right now we also have an abundance of mint that will all die back in a couple of weeks. What other leaves are good to steep fresh?

Jeremy Cherfas

@cll2606 This is annoying. It seems that my install of WithKnown is not playing nicely to POSSE Twitter replies. It might be something to do with Quilll, but I doubt it. More likely to be accumulating cruft in WithKnown. I want to keep using it, but ...

Jeremy Cherfas

@RJABuggs @FoodiePharma I'm hearing that the main cold store is safe and has mostly been safety. So while there is clearly a present threat, it just isn't true that any “terrible loss to plant genetic resources” has occurred. @LiseLykkeS may know more.

Jeremy Cherfas

Continuing my little excursions and using the IndieWebRing as my guide, I chanced up Chris DeLuca's CSS to Style a Novel I particularly liked the explanations for each of his chosen rules.

Jeremy Cherfas


Stupid 119 2/2/2

I feel a longer word deserves more turns and backspaces. Again, there's no point telling me when I have used both backspaces on my second turn, to clear and try again, if you are going to fill in the answer for me. I did get it, but won't spoil it.

Jeremy Cherfas

@DianaEGarvin Where are you seeing teeth? The notches in the centre of the blade on the right are for holding the blade securely in the handle. They do not touch the face. The bit that shaves you is the shiny sharp edge.

Jeremy Cherfas

@SarahTaber_bww Good to know. I guess you will announce the details here when the time comes?

Jeremy Cherfas

@michmacklem Ever since I started editing audio digitally, I've longed for a `diff` that would play all the stuff -- call it noise if you must -- that I've cut out of piece.

Jeremy Cherfas

I wonder what, exactly, makes this an architect's table rather than just a table? I expected it to be some kind of drafting table.

Jeremy Cherfas

@simonathibault Which is better, to be driven nuts, or to be wholly dazed and confused?

"Consumers often cannot decide which of two foods is ‘healthier’."

Jeremy Cherfas

@mikewilliams_v I am today reminded of a blog post I wrote on this day in 2007, about this study: The case of the disappearing teaspoons: longitudinal cohort study of the displacement of teaspoons in an Australian research institute.

Time for a replication, don't you think?

Jeremy Cherfas

@drgarethmottram I'm not convinced, mostly because the host didn't ask the questions I want answers to. The delivery mechanism does nothing for farmers not using an elaborate seed drill. N washes away, but the presence of N downregulates these microbes? Happy to be wrong, but ...

Jeremy Cherfas

Unfortunately Jeremy has developed a staff infection in his lungs, along with pneumonia. He is currently on a ventilator to help him breathe, and has a feeding tube in.

Just rediscovered a game we used to play in the olden days of the internet. Search for "Unfortunately YourName"

Jeremy Cherfas

@C2ooth Interesting post, and much of what you are looking for already exists within the IndieWeb community. HTTPS:// as you perhaps know. Moreover, we are not all disenchanted tech utopians

Jeremy Cherfas

@mer_matthews You can get turnkey Indieweb at for $5 a month. The bigger question is, what has payment to do with it? Not everybody who publishes online is looking for payment. Maybe some dislike being sharecroppers for the silos. Not the same as wanting to be paid.

Jeremy Cherfas

@mer_matthews I’m not competent to judge everything you have said, but I do know that it certainly does not cost $25 a month to have a site that makes use of IndieWeb principles and building blocks. Do you have specific examples in mind?

Jeremy Cherfas

For the sake of completion, the solution is to edit Themes/Solo/templates/default/solo/shell/head.tpl.php or the equivalent file in whatever theme you are using.

Jeremy Cherfas

I find this very interesting. As a podcast producer, I do not, generally, use a lot of music behind speech. That might be because I am a stick-in-the-mud old fart who learned that craft, such as it is, at a well-known broadcaster. Also, it is really difficult, especially when there is no-one I can ask to do it for me. Listening to track after track after track to find the right one is so time-consuming. But maybe that’s a waste of time? You seem to be suggesting that I just bung some smooth jazz under everything.

Jeremy Cherfas

I love this idea:

Oct 30 (the number 30 in the octal number base) is the same as Dec 24 (the number 24 in the decimal number base)

Thank you Björn Wärmedal

Jeremy Cherfas

@ChrisWiegman Strange you should say that. The protocols I use are alive and well, and they give me part of what I need from a community. I do feel good too, and that is part of the story, but to dismiss something you personally don't care for or use seems uncalled for.

Jeremy Cherfas

@AgroBioDiverse You are a star! Manuel Elkin Patarroyo is the man.

"The chemically manufactured vaccine known as SPf66, invented by Patarroyo, had limited results with "only" 55 percent effectiveness. Even so, it was a breakthrough."

I hope @thedailybeast follows up.

Jeremy Cherfas

@LSHTM All this talk of a first malaria vaccine ... first approved, maybe.

I can't be the only person who remembers early trials by a Venezuelan whose name, alas, I cannot remember. There was protection, but not enough. Does anyone else remember what I'm talking about?

Jeremy Cherfas

@Economicbotany This six-week online course on Country Houses and the British Empire looks like it would be great, based on previous lectures from @corinne_fowler. I hope I can make time for it.

Jeremy Cherfas

@ajspadial What made you remember?

Jeremy Cherfas

@FallingTreeProd I've only heard one episode so far, but Scene on Radio's new series on the environmental crises with @amywestervelt is riveting, easily equaling the quality of previous series.

Jeremy Cherfas

@scatmandan Understood. And thanks for the picture of your poster. I'm new to the game and didn't know about that, but I've bookmarked the poster generator for next time.

Jeremy Cherfas

@scatmandan Interesting. I was surprised when clicking on a hashtag to be taken to Twitter rather than your posts about geohashing on your own site. Is that deliberate?

Jeremy Cherfas

There's just one problem with blaming Monsanto for "the public's distrust of GMOs" and that is that the majority of the public, at least in the US, do not distrust GMOs but willingly eat it at every opportunity. For those that do mistrust GMOs, yes, I too would blame Monsanto.

Jeremy Cherfas

OK, I've had time to think about this and to do something, and I guess there's even a chance it could catch on, if @arush and @ladyhope are agreeable.

Jeremy Cherfas

Replied to a post on :

Peter Rukavina is working on changing his life by doing eight critical things each day. I reckon that's too many. If I get three done, I count that as a win. Maybe I need to trim my idea what constitutes a thing.

Jeremy Cherfas

@b_pritchard Absolutely appalling. Whatever happened to the nationalist promise of being better able to feed its citizens? There can be no excuse for an increase in stunting these days.

Jeremy Cherfas

@BBCFoodProg Given that more than 50% of food consumed in the UK is imported (more for fruit and veg), have any of the medical associations said anything public about UK food policy over the next few years? Should medical students be visiting Australia, not Oxfordshire?

Jeremy Cherfas

@herdyshepherd1 The pain for British farmers is real. However, outsourcing British food production to the rest of the world is nothing new. The deal is a return to the good old days of Empire, just like, er, Brexit.

Jeremy Cherfas

What a terrific essay from George Orwell, which goes well beyond this choice jumping-off point:

"[T]he toad, unlike the skylark and the primrose, has never had much of a boost from poets."

Jeremy Cherfas

I don't doubt that medical software is bad and that doctors have good cause to complain. But in a fight to the death, I suspect software for human resources or for teachers might be even worse.

Jeremy Cherfas

It's fun to see someone have their world view shot to hell. There are two things going on here. One is that time is a good substitute for energy when it comes to developing gluten. The other is that time develops flavour, even from a teeny amount of leaven.

Jeremy Cherfas

Replied to a post on :

I assume you already know about Craig Mod and his very interesting, and very well-documented, long walks through Japan.

Jeremy Cherfas

@theRSAorg I am so disappointed that beyond lip service in the intro there was absolutely no further mention of trade in global food commodities. Even a brief acknowledgement of Brewster Kneen's pioneering efforts to shine a light on Cargill would have added immeasurably.

Jeremy Cherfas

@GeoffTansey Thanks for the link to the UNCTAD report on cashews. I've not yet read it, but I wonder whether it details the World Bank's role in destroying Mozambique's cashew processing industry?

I did an episode about this a while back

Jeremy Cherfas

A really great piece that I will bookmark as a good place to send people who ask the question Why Blog?

Because, as Marc Weidenbaum answers, Blogs Are Great.

Jeremy Cherfas

When programmers take to baking: Amylase is a POKE instruction for the yeast computer.

A minor chuckle in a very good reflection on pandemic baking.

Jeremy Cherfas

Replied to a post on :

I'm happy to cop to this. My motivation is certainly not jealousy. I'm not in the business of handing out rules for how other people should behave. It is more to do with the adulation others bestow not on the rules but on the person dispensing them. And it isn't the rules, per se, it is the rest of the stuff.

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

In light of @kitchenbee quoting @bittman ‘You will hear, “The food system is broken”. But the truth is that it works almost perfectly for Big Food.' dont get your hopes up for the UN Food Summit.

Jeremy Cherfas

Finally got round to @DanSaladinoUK Food Programme about Charles Campion, and what a treat it was. So well put together, and a great picture of the man himself. He will be missed. Thanks Dan.

Jeremy Cherfas

@simonw I'm so conflicted. I want to like that you were recognised, but not the people who recognised you.

Jeremy Cherfas

@raymondcamden Are you actually displaying the webmentions anywhere? I looked at your site and couldn't see any, so it is hard to know how to proceed. You might get more help at