@KitchenBee Surely brains aren't all that clean. Or are they?
In the end, I don't think it is worth the extra faff. It is easy enough to mark up by hand for recipes. There really are only a couple of extra things to watch out for and I have got snippets for the more complex ones now. Need to check again, but I think it is all working.
@MatthewJDalby And if you're wondering how they boiled them, 20k years before ceramics -- http://www.eatthispodcast.com/neanderthaldiets/
My contribution to #trypod is @criminalshow and if the whole podcast thing is new to you, they have a handy dandy guide to how to listen http://thisiscriminal.com/how-to-listen
I'm totally in shock of the nicest kind after reading what @chrisaldrich had to say about Eat This Podcast.
@chrisaldrich Funny you just listened to that. More on "good" industrial food here http://www.eatthispodcast.com/good-industrial-food/
@scottishbktrust @nicolakidsbooks Bet that tiger's name was Yorrick.
Google’s algorithm is lying to you about onions -- not that you'ld ever trust Google to clarify a recipe https://gizmodo.com/googles-algorithm-is-lying-to-you-about-onions-and-blam-1793057789
Distributed verification -- another gentle shove back towards Chrome.
Teehee. Updating old blog posts, found this gem. So resonant: The Inaugural Menu: one word, VILE « Chez Pim http://chezpim.com/uncategorized/the_inaugural_m
Obese vs normal may be more different than poor vs rich in response to food prices http://www.eatthispodcast.com/fat-taxes-and-thin-subsidies/
> Now that we are starting to expand greater into generation 2, we need to improve the documentation of the various IndieWeb components to focus less on code and protocols, and more on the end goals.
Amen to that.
An English Sheep Farmer’s View of Rural America
We have all become such suckers for a bargain that we take the low prices of our foodstuffs for granted and are somehow unable to connect these bargain-basement prices to our children’s inability to find meaningful work at a decently paid job.
@AgroBioDiverse Guilty as charged.
"Every 10 percent price increase in unhealthy foods and drinks was associated with a trend toward lower BMI (per 10 percent price increase: -0.06 kg/m2), this did not achieve statistical significance"
So, why report it?
@thatmags In addition to endangered condors, lead ammo poisons hunters too. http://www.eatthispodcast.com/lead-poisoning-of-hunters-and-game/
We still need to ask whether poor people may be choosing calories because they are hungry. @cjsnowdon
I looked briefly at 60dB when it was announced, and came to much the same conclusion, that while it is an interesting idea and may end up being a sort of personalised stream of short-form audio, it didn't seem to address discovery in the long tail. I've enough long-form to be getting on with, that's for sure, and that's what I, personally, would like more of.
@AgroBioDiverse I can find you recipe plans. Basically, brown rice and some fruit and veg, with bits and bobs of other stuff.
@ThatAliceCooks A word to the wise; don't pour all into the pan at once! As I know YOU know. But you never know who doesn't know.
@_dgoldsmith Thanks Daniel. I will write up a more detailed account, and try to remember to link to it from here.
@Dr_RJByrne I'm sure it isn't easy, but it could be done.
@Dr_RJByrne There's a global shortage of opiates; why not give the farmers a real chance at higher incomes?
Took a long while, working out how best to format and then doing it by hand, but I am now reasonably happy with the look of the noters and highlights brought home from Kindle. As a matter of styling, perhaps the Kindle location of the text could be less prominent, but that's probably gilding the lily.
What I've learned is that it probably pays to take more time when actually highlighting the text and writing the notes. But the clunky Kindle keyboard does one no favours. #indieweb
Well, it has been a long couple of days, but I have created pages to bring my reviews out of Goodreads and my highlights and notes out of Kindle. Still need to do a bit of styling; where there is a note attached to a highlight, it would be good to be able to have them side by side, as it were. Trouble is, the styling that Kindle delivers out of the box does not make that easy. #indieweb
I wasn't aware of the Limited Offensive Unit before, but I'm glad I am now. Very apt.
Spent a little while looking into embeds, as recommended, and it seems like it could be worthwhile. I tested the native embed, as it were, by tacking /embed onto a URL, and it is not very attractive. But customising the embed by using the other image and the audio will take a bit of work. I have found some useful resources for that, notably https://www.sitepoint.com/customizing-wordpress-oembed-content/ for the code needed.
Might also be worth implementing a different audio player on the site -- using this plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/pb-oembed-html5-audio-with-cache-support/ -- but still feeding it the blueberry version of the audio URL to maintain continuity of stats.
Quick question for Chris Aldrich, which I may be able to answer myself by judicious experimentation: how do you reply to two URLs at once?
Later: well, it isn't by including two URLs in the reply to a site field!
#withknown #indieweb
My apologies, Chris. I'm not familiar with the media player you are using on WordPress and so I did not realise that it was an embed rather than a download. That makes everything I said wrong, and everything you said right.
I'll look into oEmbeds, although I'm currently not sure exactly how I would make use of them.
Again, thanks for your patience and understanding.
Marty's summary -- it's hard -- is spot on. I do, however, feel that there's room for both a quick roundup of what's happening in the #indieweb, in the way that Marty has pioneered, and for something a little more discursive. I could easily record interviews with the protagonists over Skype or similar, if they are willing. And if I weren't so geographically isolated here in Rome, I could even try to get to some Indie Web Camps or HWCs and do on the spot recordings.
My feeling is that these kinds of podcasts could help people to embrace and adopt the indieweb. There could also be a role for Q&A type things in the longer podcasts.
Repurpose that incubator! Turning raw seasoned meat into sausages is both science and food.
Ooh. A new podcast to listen to, which also fits with my growing enthusiasm for #indieweb. And wouldn't it be fun, as @chrisalrich almost suggests, to make a podcast about indieweb. If there's space ...
Has it really been a year since 10Cv4 hit the ground? @matigo is right: time does fly when you're having fun. And the way the service has developed is nothing short of miraculous, given that it rests on a single individual. Sometimes I wish he'd slow down and consolidate, but mostly I'm just grateful 10C exists.
You mention SoundCloud, which a lot of people, including podcasters, are using. Fine, for them, but more than a silo, SoundCloud is a locked room. I use Huffduffer.com a lot to sample audio and -- even more -- to share what I'm sampling and to see what other people are sharing. A sort of recommendation engine, if you like, though not a very powerful one, I admit. And SoundCloud deliberately makes it hard to share. There are ways around that barrier, of course, but not everyone will want to use them. And so, as ever, by hosting on SoundCloud you may be denying yourself listeners. #indieweb
Sad that an increasing number of sites seem to block Instapaper. That little bit of friction -- I have to copy the URL, go to Instapaper and add the link by hand -- but so far it always works -- might mean I won't ready your piece. Is that really worth it?
After a morning wrangling automating POSSE from my stream site, I quite understand why Colin Devroe is just turning it off. I too might abandon the effort. Maybe it doesn't matter nearly as much for minor things like Twitter to originate everything on my own site. Everything larger than 140 characters originates with me anyway, and I can always syndicate that by hand. What's nice is to be able to bring the reactions back here.
I'm not using Reactions, so I cannot comment on that. I did, however, test quill.p3k.io to like a post, and the post's card came through perfectly formatted (just not centred, which I can live with). See here https://stream.jeremycherfas.net/2017/michaela-desoucey-on-twitter-via-npr-cheap-eats-cheap-labor
@matigo Make it so.
I'd say that this would make the whole idea of #indieweb a lot more tenable to a bunch of people in what the gurus call [generations 3 and 4](https://indieweb.org/generations). Maybe even 2, which is where I see myself.
All that stuff and nonsense about having a local development environment and then pushing that out to a production site *via* whatever sync method you can manage to work at any given moment would disappear in a puff of smoke. I'd happily pay for one of those coffee-cup sized servers.
*p.s.* I'm posting this first to my own owned-content, in those that it may encourage you to hook up, although I know you have lots of other things on your mind.