Jayson Lusk's reminder that the Economic Research Service is a really important source of data is valuable. His suggestion to follow the ERS's daily "chart of note" is even better.
Interesting reading, though I cannot quite see how the various personae might map onto a single micro.blog site. Nevertheless, I look forward to whatever you come up with.
One question. I know 10C offers Notes and Todos and Photos, but I have never seen anything here that would encourage me to use those facilities. My notes are in nvALT and my todos are on paper and my photos are in lot of places, but they're all on my desktop machine. So why would I want to use those facilities here? And are you sure they are worth keeping in your "silo"?
PESOS from the original site.
If I were any kind of entrepreneur (which I'm not) I'd be figuring out how to hook up with supermarkets -- or even the local greengrocer -- to turn the bananas they throw out into my highly desirable banana bread.
I hear you. There's no way on earth to be precise about the words for a pre-ferment, and I for one tend to use them interchangeably, at least to some extent. Of course, if Reinhart offered precise definitions, even hydrations, of "stiff" and "wet" that would at least make consistency possible. His video on the 12 steps is rather good, and something I show in my workshops.
Nice to see Stacey De Polo set off on her exploration of things #indieweb, but I find it hard to imagine that as of my reading, not one of her contacts on either Twitter or FB has reacted in any way. I guess some plugin work still needed. Which is part of the reason I am writing this reply.
Chris reminds me, I ought to get something lined up for a global celebration.
I don't know about you, @mdesoucey , but I'm missing out on it being on Facebook.
When I teach writing (which I do), I always say to people, "This is ambiguous. Sure, I can ask you here in class. But most people who read this aren't going to be able to ask you to clarify. They're either going to be confused, or jump to the meaning you don't want them to."
The silly thing is, Dave is there to clarify, and he chooses not to.
We have had an extensive discussion today in irc #indieweb-dev and I think we are beginning to see what is going on. I will try and summarise here later
Words to live by -- and not just for web developers. Your job is to make it easy for the people who use what you make, not for yourself.
Installed wandering.gs just for the fun of it. It'll be a very dull picture, that's for sure.
IndieWeb and homemade sauerkraut. I wonder how many other people are in this particular intersection?
Thanks @nickykylegarden, although I have also noticed that there now seem to be a fair few small commercial companies in the UK and elsewhere that have taken up the burden of supplying varieties that really suit home growers.
Fascinating post from Jon Udell about bookmarking and sharing audio sound-bites. I hope to be able to get to grips with the details and maybe even get to the point of being able to do the same, once the New Year clean-up is over.
I don't really understand any of the details of how people install, use and monitor personal renewable energy resources, but I love following along with Chris Neale's efforts. I'd really like to read a comprehensive, but low-level, account of the whole story, even though there is currently no chance I could do anything similar myself.
Two very good pieces of news from my friend Jason.
Language Log has set out its stall and its intentions for 2018, which I applaud. There's talk of a redesign. I hope that in doing that, they consider adopting some Indieweb ideas.
Such fun to read this, and others like it. I really want to know how one eats a goose barnacle, and what it tastes like. Also a good reminder to try better to track these things for myself, maybe as part of my very new monthly roundup posts.
Lazymention sounds really interesting and potentially a welcome release from the Telegraph fandango. I do wonder, though, how it will play with my non-static but heavily cached Grav site.
According to one food writer, "dried chili peppers are grown in the Southwest and dehydrated onion and garlic are grown in California and Oregon" That's some impressive growing, right there.
Thanks to Daniel Goldsmith for both the shoutout and, even more so, the recommendations. But if Tanis turns out to resemble a recent podcast series about the Polybius Conspiracy in any way I will be well cross.
Good point about the transaction fees -- which is why I offer primarily a season ticket for six months of Eat This Podcast, at different levels. Of course I'm also happy to accept one-off donations, but the season ticket is what I'm hoping people will buy.
Entirely by coincidence, I am sure, this morning I once again turned my attention to the possibility of beefing up my raging iMac's performance buy adding an external SSD as startup disc. Seems a lot more doable than cracking the computer open, and a lot more affordable than a new machine. I'm in the land of cheaper for a little longer yet, so time for more research, but I think I am going to continue down this road.
Patreon's change of heart is indeed welcome, although I am withholding final judgement until I see exactly how things pan out. In a sense you can of course take your patrons with you, as a download of the basic details, and with all the other tools available I suspect it would not be too difficult to reconstruct a similar experience that might even be better for managing privileged content. I've yet to do that myself, but it is in my plans. I'm also having a little trouble with Stripe, which was easy enough to set up, harder to get working efficiently.
Overall, I'm glad to have been goaded into doing something to make it easy for people who don't want the hassle of signing up for Patreon, perhaps because they only have one person to whom they want to donate.
I'm late getting to this, but I would say it depends partly on which CMS you're talking about. I almost always compose directly in Known, and almost never compose directly in either WP or my main site, which runs on Grav. For WP sites, I usually use MarsEdit, which has just shipped version 4 and which is really good and Mac only. For Grav, I tend to compose in Byword and proofread in Marked2.
There's a lot that's quite dodgy about the Guardian's farmer suicides article. See link at https://www.eatthispodcast.com/those-farmer-suicides/
If only these self-same people were aware of the power of feeds. I get a pure timeline of Instagram photos from the people I follow in my feed reader and it has made me like it all over again.
@DropboxSupport I've fixed permissions and checked for symlinks; thanks. The only app accessing often is nvALT. So, we'll see if things improve. I hope so.
Curses and blessings in equal measure, @ChrisAldrich. Subscribed!
This person thinks it is easy to cook good french-fried potatoes. I think they are wrong, because they omit an essential step: take them out of the oil and allow it to reheat. Of course, our idea of what constitutes a "good" fry might be different. Our understanding of how to cook certainly is.
I moved everything to Fastmail too, a couple of years ago, but I didn’t actually delete my gmail or Mac mail. I just have everything, including some other domains, forwarded to fastmail. But I’ve never thought about unifying contacts between Mac and Fastmail. Is there a way to have a single canonical contacts list that will sync to all devices?
@oxfordfarming I find this hard to swallow. Have you really “teamed up” with @ORFC or are you just burnishing your reputation by basking in their halo?
@denials I absolutely need to check that I am not talking through my hat when I say that I can post more than 140 characters here @withknown and see them show up via POSSE on Twitter. Which means I need to blab a little more than usual.
Amazing work from @chrisaldrich explaining how and why he's gone about bringing his blogroll into the 21st century. I'm honoured to be on the list, with just one comment: the Vaviblog site, while still live, will not be updated, until it reverts to its original purpose. I have not yet found a way to import all the data from that instance of Known to my current instance, as I would like, so for now that site is a relic of my first steps onto the IndieWeb.
That's a real pity. And these things are so hard to troubleshoot. I can't help with that, but I can send replies.
Received in good order, although you may want to look at the detailed microformatting.
Oh, and thanks.
Too terse for this human to parse. Do you mean that at-mentions do not show up in your micro.blog stream? And where are the posts showing up?
Thanks Chris for adding the issue. Imposter Syndrome often prevents me from doing the same.
More power to @ChrisAldrich A nanowrimo book on indieweb will be novel even if it isn't a novel.
I do hope the indieweb dinner includes some spam for the bots.
I'm still a little hazy on the plumbing details of all the bits and pieces of IndieWeb but I would have thought that if withKnown has a micropub endpoint and micro.blog can send to the WordPress endpoint, it ought to be able to send to WithKnown. But I'm probably exposing my ignorance. And maybe it is on the roadmap.
Right. I had seen @jeffperry's profile elsewhere, and typed it by hand, making it easier for others to find it. If I hadn't found it elsewhere, I would not have been able to do that. At least, until @cn reminded me of Search in Discover
"botcotting" is the possibly accidental neologism of the day. As my POSSEs to that particular silo are manual, I cannot use it. But I admire the heck out of it.
One of these geniuses fell down on the job: Parts 1 and 2 link to the same post. https://source.opennews.org/articles/what-do-you-do-3
13 October; now fixed.
It may well be a known bug, but as it isn't my site that is affected, I cannot investigate in any detail. I feel odd about reporting "issues" that don't affect me directly and that I have only witnessed and wondered about. So I just draw attention to them. I haven't seen similar behaviour on my child of Independent Publisher, I don't think.
If anyone is going to report it, I would think it would be you or James
A #followfriday for micro.blogs is certainly a good idea, but there's something odd about the way Jimmy Baum's site renders webmentions. I'm seeing Chris Aldrich's comment -- which brought me there in the first place -- as "Chris Aldrich mentioned this Article on amongthestones.com".
Shouldn't it be "Chris Aldrich mentioned this Article on boffosocko.com"?
I do wish people wouldn't do Medium's dirty work for it. John Naughton (and plenty of others) said what a great couple of pieces Dave Eggars had written in Medium, without saying that the work wasn't available without signing up for Medium. That may not be the worst thing in the world, but is it too much to hope that Dave Eggars will syndicate his own work to a place where anyone can enjoy it? Maybe eventually it will be in a book I will happily pay for.
I haven't used it,but I think Jared Sinclair's Stormcrow app is intended to build a tweetstorm from z bigger chunk of text, so it would be reasonably easy to use either before or after writing the blog post, if that's what you're doing. There's clearly a difference between text and tweetstorm, though, and, like @nitin, i would prefer to promote something I had written with selected tweets.
This anguishing about comments has been going a good long while. Fun to uncover this one.
John Naughton's bookmark about the Douglas Bader story ("... these f***ers were in Messerschmitts") reminds me of the equally good, and possibly equally apocryphal, one about the celebrated Antarctic explorer Sir Vivian Fuchs giving a lecture in Leeds.