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Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

"Tidying up is not joyful but another misuse of Eastern ideas"

I do still prefer folding my T-shirts the way Marie Kondo suggests.

PESOS from

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

"Are podcasts a wasteland? (with a post script about Kurt Wagner) | CultureBy – Grant McCracken"

Just as desktop publishing didn't turn everyone into even a half-decent designer, so the democratisation of "radio" doesn't turn everyone into even a half-decent producer.

PESOS from

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

On Cash, in which a busker prompts Tim Bray to reassess his priorities

What hap­pened was, I was walk­ing through a train sta­tion on the way to work with the buds play­ing ran­dom­ly on shuf­fle and a knifeblade of Real Mu­sic came in from out­side so I had to pull them out of my ears, there was this young dude get­ting great elec­tric sound out of a tee­ny amp do­ing a slow take on Lit­tle Wing with a re­al­ly good voice: When I’m sad, she comes to me… plen­ty room be­tween the notes and lots of soul in them. He looked a lit­tle hard-pressed; I put my hand in my pock­et for some coin but there was no coin there be­cause I live on plas­tic these days and that busker went un­paid that morn­ing. Another rea­son for a thing I’m think­ing of: Go­ing back to cash.

PESOS from

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas