I watched some of this magic happening, and it was ... Magical. There are so many good things happening in ReaderLand these days.
On World Food Day, so delighted to see this piece from Gene Logsden pop up in my feed.
Illuminating anecdote from WW2.
PESOS from Reading.am.
What happened was, I was walking through a train station on the way to work with the buds playing randomly on shuffle and a knifeblade of Real Music came in from outside so I had to pull them out of my ears, there was this young dude getting great electric sound out of a teeny amp doing a slow take on Little Wing with a really good voice: When I’m sad, she comes to me… plenty room between the notes and lots of soul in them. He looked a little hard-pressed; I put my hand in my pocket for some coin but there was no coin there because I live on plastic these days and that busker went unpaid that morning. Another reason for a thing I’m thinking of: Going back to cash.
PESOS from Reading.am.
I read it, I note that I am unsurprised, and I move on. That is what is wrong with me.
PESOS from Reading.am.
PESOS from Reading.am.
Not the most important point in the article, but an important point:
Wansink’s sense for harnessing buzz may have been a skill in the wrong domain. He’s a camera-friendly performer who might’ve done very well as a Bill Nye– or Neil deGrasse Tyson–type infotainer, in an industry where simplification to build a compelling narrative is not a bug but a feature, given the explicit mission to deliver an attention-grabbing-and-holding product to an audience.
PESOS from Reading.am.
PESOS from Reading.am.
Say what?
Nevada, for instance, is creating ingenious corporate vehicles that add new layers of impenetrability—such as trusts that can be foreign in American law yet count as American under overseas regulations.
PESOS from Reading.am.
PESOS from Reading.am.
PESOS from Reading.am.
PESOS from Reading.am.
PESOS from Reading.am.
First catch your quali, as Mrs Beeton might have said.