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Jeremy Cherfas

The White House Conference: They Pulled It Off! - Food Politics by Marion Nestle

 “We must stop giving breadcrumbs and start building bakeries.”

Nice rhetoric. And then ...?

Jeremy Cherfas

Friday 16 September, 2022 | Memex 1.1

In the UK at the moment, the average household consumes 3,731 kWh of electricity in a year. That comes to 10.23 kWh per day. So wouldn’t it be smarter — and fairer — to subsidise consumption up to that level, and let households which consume more face the market rate? And pay for the subsidy by a windfall tax on energy companies.

It won’t happen, of course, for the simple reason that it’s ‘unthinkable’.

Jeremy Cherfas

An alternative to Marxist explanations of inequality – The one-handed economist

I wish I understood more deeply, but the more I read about Henry George and Georgism, the more inclined I am to believe it to be correct.

Jeremy Cherfas

Beyond rescue ecomodernism: the case for agrarian localism restated | Small Farm Future

Our modern culture is good at heroic, high-tech mitigation of specific and immediate acute problems. It’s not very good at long-term, low-tech cultural adaptation that mitigates against these specific and immediate acute problems from arising.

Is there time? Best to assume that there is, and start the transition now.

Jeremy Cherfas

ongoing by Tim Bray · Slow Travel

Oh, to be able to travel by Zeppelin. Meanwhile, I think the idea of never flying anywhere for less than a week is a good stop-gap, and more trains when possible.

Jeremy Cherfas

Time's the revelator

Many good thoughts and conclusions.

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

City of the dead, part two

“... (a symptom of the malaise: the spellchecker on my computer is happy with the word ‘urbanization’ but not ‘ruralization’).”

When, I wonder, are we going to get to the art/culture arguments in favour of cities. Those are what have kept me urbanised for the past many years. Irrationally, perhaps, but the result is the same.

Jeremy Cherfas

From regenesis to re-exodus: of George Monbiot, mathematical modernism and the case for agrarian localism

George Monbiot illuminates and infuriates in equal measure, although I suspect, after reading Chris Smaje’s review, that I will not be paying much attention in future. I have not read Regenesis, so will say nothing about it myself. Two quotes from Chris (of many others I could have chosen):

“[A]n alternative, perhaps counterintuitive but more plausible argument [is] that low food prices in fact are a fundamental cause of global poverty.”

“[T]here’s no such thing as ‘an inexorable economic logic’, there are just political games with winners and losers – a point the old George Monbiot once understood.”


Jeremy Cherfas

The tragedy of the climate commons and one way I tried to fight it | Small Farm Future

Interesting account of a single piece of civil disobedience and its aftermath.

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

You are being redirected...

Splendid piece by a splendid broadcaster. Only one thing to push back against:

Music helps. Sound beds help. Clear simple writing helps.

Clear writing, obviously. But music and sound beds? This is much more culturally determined, in my view, and I don't know how best to cope with it.

Jeremy Cherfas

Regenesis: Feeding the World without Devouring the Planet by George Monbiot - review by Dan Saladino

“For Monbiot to highlight the complexity of soil but ignore the complexities involved in nutrition doesn’t make his faith in a protein techno-fix convincing.”

“It’s not clear, though, why a shift in attitudes won’t lead us to increase our intake of beans, nuts and lentils instead.”

Thank you Dan Saladino, especially for that final “Nevertheless ...”

Jeremy Cherfas

Subterranean Blogging

I dunno, maybe an underground garden (blog) isn’t such a bad idea. Maybe, in the scorching heat of social media we need a cooler, darker space for connections and discussion. Where things grow more slowly but still bear fruit 25 years later.

Makes sense to me

Jeremy Cherfas

Alternative epistemic agents for restaurant menus etc (Interconnected)

Very provocative, although I’m not sure I could cope.

Jeremy Cherfas

Infovore » This is your brain on wheels

Really interesting essay from Tom Armitage, about getting on his bike and getting on. The thrill of those first long rides takes me right back to my first London to Brighton and the sheer unalloyed joy of whooshing down into the town.

Jeremy Cherfas

w/e 2022-05-15 (Phil Gyford’s website)

“should you ever find yourself in a similar situation, I would advise finding a different situation”

Useful advice, in any situation.

Jeremy Cherfas

Goat Glands and Testicle Tans: How Fascists Exploit Male Insecurities – Political Orphans

“White people are Schrodinger’s Race, simultaneously a beautiful, master race of supreme vitality and a weak, declining, impotent force, forever sinking beneath a dusky wave.”

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

[T]he simplest drop-in replacement for a feed is a “recently updated” list. Instead of a list of posts, have a list of users who have posted recently. This neatly solves both the problem of prolific posters drowning out quiet ones and the problem of decontextualization, while being simple and easy to understand.

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

The Problem with Seeing the Zettelkasten as a Note Storage System

Interesting article, raising clearly the point that because a ZK needs time to accumulate enough ideas and connections to be interesting, a lot of the recent enthusiasm has not yet reached that sort of maturity.

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

The Inside Story of the Banning of “Maus.” It’s Dumber Than You Think. – Mother Jones

“I have not seen the book and read the whole book. I read the reviews.” The only item on the meeting’s agenda was what to do about Maus, and this board member had not bothered to glance at it.

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

What’s the Point If We Can’t Have Fun?

Physicists are more playful and less hidebound creatures than, say, biologists—partly, no doubt, because they rarely have to contend with religious fundamentalists challenging the laws of physics. They are the poets of the scientific world.

Evolutionary psychologists claim they can explain—as the title of one recent book has it—“why sex is fun.” What they can’t explain is why fun is fun. This could.

Jeremy Cherfas

$241,633 was lost to fraud this year — that’s about what we expect | GiveDirectly

Does the value recovered outweigh the cost of investigating these cases? From a simple dollar-for-dollar amount, certainly not. However, the existence of a rigorous investigations team helps deter staff and partner fraud.

Jeremy Cherfas

It’s Research, But Still Very Wrong – Interdependent Thoughts

I wasn't affected by the somewhat scuzzy email sent out by chumps at Princeton to "research" internet privacy regulations, but I was prompted by Ton's investigation to take a look at Tranco. And blow me if I'm not also in there. One of the compensations of being an old blogger.

Jeremy Cherfas

How The Politics Of White Liberals And White Conservatives Are Shaped By Whiteness | FiveThirtyEight

Among the many fascinating charts that 538 selected from this year, this is the one I found most informative.

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

This morning, I had occasion to revisit this post from 2005. Never mind about Google Base, I'm still tickled by Paul Ford's account of his encounter with Business 2.0. Never mind about Business 2.0 too.

Jeremy Cherfas

ongoing by Tim Bray · Blah, Blah, Blah, Boom

I'm still, at heart, both a coward and a pessimist.

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Revisiting My Ideal Feed Reader – Interdependent Thoughts

Making tentative steps towards implementing an IndieWeb social reader and so reading up what other people have done and how they are using these ideas.

Jeremy Cherfas

Property ownership in a small farm future | Small Farm Future

[S]o many people in the world today lack the opportunity, knowledge and skill to provide even the most basic perquisites of daily life, and I believe this is a silent pathology that eats at contemporary society.


Jeremy Cherfas

J-School Confidential

I'm pretty sure nothing much has changed in the intervening 28 years.

Jeremy Cherfas

Thomas P.M. Barnett - Blog - As a Writer, What Would It Be Worth to You to Be Able to Instantly Mine Everything You’ve Ever Written?

Thomas PM Barnett seems to be building a combination personal search engine and Zettelkasten called InfoSquirrel and plans to sell it as a service. I doubt I will ever be able to afford it, but it does look interesting and I certainly wish him well.

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

19.10.40 | Orwell Diaries 1938-1942

Thought for the Day

The unspeakable depression of lighting the fires every morning with papers of a year ago, and getting glimpses of optimistic headlines as they go up in smoke.

Jeremy Cherfas

Pig apples: or, why small farmsteads are efficient and effective | Small Farm Future

[W]hile it’s feasible to wander around a smallholding with a trug looking for apples to feed two pigs, it probably isn’t feasible to wander around a largeholding with a trug looking for apples to feed two hundred or two thousand pigs. So there are diseconomies of large scale to the ecological efficiency of the farm’s unbidden bounty.

That doesn't mean it isn't worthwhile

Jeremy Cherfas

Ghostwriting – Study Hall

Very interesting long essay about what it is to be unseen, unheard and yet vital. But that professional podcast world? Awful.

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

How to help someone use a computer

I just rediscovered this page, which I first linked to on this day in 2004. Timeless advice that I try to follow when I give and appreciate when I receive.

In my ignorance, I didn't know who Phil Agre was; now that I want to know more, it is hard to do so.

Jeremy Cherfas

Opting Out of TurnItIn – Terence Eden’s Blog

Not sure I can be bothered to expend the effort, but the reasoning is sound.

My argument is "Fuck You. I don't want you to hoover up my content and then sell it without my permission."