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Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Now that Threads is here, I no longer see options to like or reply to a comment on a photo on IG.

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

"The market failure of digital image (and video) management has lasted longer and there's no end in site. This means something."

So true. Been going downhill since iView died. I'm OK with Photo Mechanic, but ...

Jeremy Cherfas

This will never work. Or will it? I can get a discount on Bike by replying to. Toot with a photo of my hometown, but I can’t attach a photo to this reply. Maybe Jesse with treat me kindly.

Jeremy Cherfas


1 min read

I find it strange, and deeply ironic, that a year on, an otherwise fine article still boasts an obviously doctored photograph of NI Vavilov. Seriously, who thought that was a good idea? See Nikolai Vavilov as he never was: A true scientist does not deserve a fake photo.

Jeremy Cherfas

Fun to see @racheleats photo of Bonci Pizza illustrating this article, although that seems to me as far from ordinary pizza al taglio as that is from Mr Go’s pizza vendining machine.

Jeremy Cherfas

A very boring photo, for a very exciting reason.

A very boring photo, for a very exciting reason.

A very boring photo, for a very exciting reason.

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

One step closer to PESOS from Instagram

1 min read

I had been barking up the wrong tree, trying to address `photo/edit` in order to create a photo post in WithKnown. Going through my old notes, I figured out how to do it through `micropub/endpoint` instead, which makes a whole lot more sense. Probably I should have started there.

Anyway, I know have the bare bones of being able to post automatically to WithKnown from the RSS feed of my Instagram account. Now I "just" need to build out all the rest; read the RSS feed, extract the relevant bits of data, construct the API request and bung it off.

Which will probably take forever, but hey.

Jeremy Cherfas

One of the most satisfying things about coming home after a holiday is giving all the microbiology a bit of love so it can return the favour

One of the most satisfying things about coming home after a holiday is giving all the microbiology a bit of love so it can return the favour

Starters refreshed and one used to produce a simple white bread with 5% each whole wheat and whole rye. I’ll use the other one in a day or two, and see to the yoghurt tomorrow.

Jeremy Cherfas

Photo title test

Photo title test

Caption of photo test

Jeremy Cherfas

With a little time to pursue this idea, I first upgraded to WithKnown 1.2.2 and then experimented with various API calls. I was able to create a Photo post, which included the description. But no image. At a loss, now, because the image from Bibliogram is definitely available and my RSS reader can see it. So I wonder why WithKnown cannot. Or maybe it can, but then fails to insert the image into the post. Also, apologies for spamming the timeline.

Jeremy Cherfas

A bigger photo post

1 min read

Here's that piece of pizza again, trying to decode what happens.

Jeremy Cherfas

I'd certainly pay for an app that used RSS (or similar) to aggregate photographers' streams. Heck, I'd even exert pressure on my own favourite photographer to create a dedicated photo stream. I've kickstartered less promising pitches. h/t @chrisaldrich

Jeremy Cherfas

I just backed Bokeh: Private, independent, and user-funded photo sharing on @Kickstarter

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Still trying to work out why a photo that includes a hashtag (from Instagram) fails to show as a photo on, while a photo without any hashtags shows up just fine.

Anyone have a clue?

Jeremy Cherfas

I stopped sharing photo posts to because they were being duplicated. Pretty sure now that's because the RSS contains the image twice, as part of the CDATA and again as an enclosure. Not sure whether to fix in @WithKnown or ask @help at to ignore enclosure.

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Updated to latest HEAD of WithKnown and hoping that might solve the multiple-photo problem. Better create a multiple photo post on Instagram, then.

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Photos for Mac isn’t a long term photo library option – Colin Devroe

Perhaps you’re not worried about moving from Mac to Windows or from Photos to another library manager, but you should be. Apple has already killed iPhoto in favor of Photos for Mac and lost a lot of functionality when they did. Who is to say they won’t do that again? Or discontinue the Mac altogether some day?

Jeremy Cherfas

A little problem with Known's Micropub endpoint

3 min read

One of the developers of Sunlit, a photo-sharing app that is part of the ecosystem, contacted me to say that “the images on your site have a MIME type of application/data”. I’d like to say I understood immediately what the problem was and what it meant, but I had to do some learning first. It wasn’t as simple as the extension, the bit after the filename that indicates whether it is a JPEG or PNG kind of image. Rather, it was about what my server tells your browser about the image.

To backtrack, Known stores all files as blobs that contain the actual file data, the 1s and 0s. Your browser, when it receives a post from my server, can often sniff out what kind of thing (image, audio, text etc) that blob of data represents and do a good job of showing it to you. Normally, you wouldn’t even notice. One clue is that if you right-click on an image, and ask to open it in a new tab, it actually gets downloaded instead, I suppose because the new tab doesn’t know what else to do with it.

Anyway, I confirmed that the source file for most images did not have an extension (which would have told the browser directly how to deal with it). Most, but not all. Files I had uploaded to my site directly did have an extension and the correct MIME type. The “bad” files had come from OwnYourGram or Quill, both of which are part of the joyful . They use a standard called Micropub to send things to a suitably equipped website.

It seemed unlikely that both Quill and OYG would fail to send the requisite information to identify a photo, so I went digging into the code that Known uses to decide what to do with a post sent by Micropub. I made a bit of progress but although I could see more or less what was happening, I couldn’t see how to make it right.

Fortunately Aaron Parecki, who built Quill and OwnYourGram (and so much else), was around and gave me the clue I needed to investigate: curl -I

One beautiful feature of Quill is that if it is sending a photo and if the receiving site has a media endpoint for receiving files (which Known does) it uploads the file, shows you a preview and tells you the location of the file. With that, the curl command shows that the temporary file has the correct description of Content-Type: image/jpeg. Once Known has processed the whole post from Quill, though, the file that contains the image shows as Content-Type: application/data.

Somewhere between receiving the temporary file from Quill and storing it permanently, Known fails to give it the proper MIME type.

I wish I knew enough to discover where the problem lies. Most likely Marcus Povey – who keeps the wheels spinning at Known – will be able to do the needful, now that I have submitted an issue. And Sunlit will be able to share my photos far and wide.

Jeremy Cherfas

Oh rats. I thought I could use Omnibear to post a photo, but it doesn't seem to do that.

Jeremy Cherfas

@vincentlistens I may be missing something subtle here, but if you have a photo as part of your h-card, that works pretty well in an context. Depending on the receiver, it can show up in likes, reposts, webmentions etc.

Jeremy Cherfas

I noticed that my Like of this recent post by Chris Aldrich features a photo not from Chris's site, but from the site of the person he is talking about. That's pretty magical.

# indieweb

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas

Still puzzled by why some photo posts in Known go through to with an image and others don’t. Almost all are PESOS from Instagram. I thought I had an explanation, but it doesn’t hold up.

Jeremy Cherfas


2 min read

It is always interesting to read of someone else deciding to give the IndieWeb a try. I like what Michael Singletary has to say, especially this

Most of my online friends and acquaintances will never understand or participate in the IndieWeb, and so I require a bridge between these worlds. On one side I choose what content to post and how it is stored, and it exists mainly on an island that few visit regularly. On the other side is nearly everyone I know, blissfully ignorant of my real home on the web and unable to see any content shared there without manual intervention or working plugins.

What really struck me, though, was the line in his bio: “Blogging since 2002, taking control of my content since 2018.”

I lost some of my pre–2002 posts, not through the actions of any evil silo (were there any, then?), but through my own idiocy in misplacing a crucial backup. And I never really got on board the silo first band-wagon, so in a sense I have always owned the content I care about owning. Most of my friends do consider it kind of weird that I didn’t see the photo they posted only to FB, but they’re only too happy to show them to me one on one. So yes, for now few people visit this island, and that’s OK. I enjoy the ones who do.

I'm using the IndieWeb in an attempt to make it easier for everyone to visit, and that works too.

Jeremy Cherfas

Test photo with RSS enabled

Test photo with RSS enabled

Maybe this will go through.

Jeremy Cherfas

1 min read


As suggestedby @mrhenko, a test post containing a photo but no title.

Jeremy Cherfas

A post with a photo, for testing purposes

1 min read

St Peter's in the gloaming

Just an old snap.

Jeremy Cherfas

Narrowing things down. I can post a photo to Known from my desktop with OS X.

I don’t expect it to show up on because that gets a feed of selected categories only, and Photos isn’t one of them.

How about an image in a post?